Rehabilitation and prophylaxis after heart attack

Rehabilitation after a heart attack is carried out in 3 phases: Acute hospitalThe patient is monitored around the clock in the intensive care unit and coronary angiography (X-ray imaging of the coronary vessels) is performed. In the hospital, the patient is mobilized at an early stage and is instructed by the physiotherapist in active movement. … Rehabilitation and prophylaxis after heart attack

Risk of heart attack

Definition More than 300,000 people suffer an acute heart attack in Germany every year. Among the risk factors to suffer a heart attack, smoking is in first place, followed by high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels and diabetes mellitus. In the coronary arteries, deposits, so-called plaques, develop which grow into the lumen of the vessels, … Risk of heart attack

Are there online tests and how should they be evaluated? | Risk of heart attack

Are there online tests and how should they be evaluated? There are numerous online tests on the Internet that calculate the individual risk of a heart attack. These tests ask in a few formulated questions whether one smokes, is preloaded by infarcts or strokes in the family and which sex, age and weight one has. … Are there online tests and how should they be evaluated? | Risk of heart attack

What proportion of the risk of heart attack is inheritable? | Risk of heart attack

What proportion of the risk of heart attack is inheritable? If siblings, parents or grandparents have coronary artery disease (CHD), suffered a heart attack or stroke, the risk of suffering a heart attack is greatly increased. Especially if close relatives have suffered a heart attack before the age of 60, it is likely that hereditary … What proportion of the risk of heart attack is inheritable? | Risk of heart attack

Implantation of the stent | Implantation of a stent after a heart attack

Implantation of the stent During treatment in the cardiac catheter laboratory, which is also called percutaneous coronary intervention, or PCI for short, the catheters and all other instruments are usually introduced via the groin. The patient is awake, only the puncture site where the doctor punctures the vessel is locally anesthetized and the patient is … Implantation of the stent | Implantation of a stent after a heart attack

How long is the hospital stay after a heart attack with stent? | Implantation of a stent after a heart attack

How long is the hospital stay after a heart attack with stent? The insertion of the stent itself usually takes between 30 minutes and one hour. If several stents are inserted at the same time, the time may be longer. Since stent surgeries today are usually performed using a catheter (a thin wire that is … How long is the hospital stay after a heart attack with stent? | Implantation of a stent after a heart attack

Side effects and risks of a stent | Implantation of a stent after a heart attack

Side effects and risks of a stent Since the stent is a foreign body in the vessel, a blood clot can form there at any time. This thrombus may block downstream vessels, which would lead to the formation of a new infarction. To prevent this complication, the patient is administered highly effective anticoagulants during the … Side effects and risks of a stent | Implantation of a stent after a heart attack

What is the life expectancy after a heart attack and subsequent stenting? | Implantation of a stent after a heart attack

What is the life expectancy after a heart attack and subsequent stenting? Life expectancy after a heart attack is lower compared to the rest of the population. About 5 to 10% of patients who have suffered a heart attack die within the next 2 years from sudden heart failure. The fact that it is necessary … What is the life expectancy after a heart attack and subsequent stenting? | Implantation of a stent after a heart attack

Therapy of a heart attack

Sequence of the therapy The sequence of therapeutic interventions for acute myocardial infarction (AMI) should follow the following sequence: A further distinction is made between interventions in the prehospitalization phase, i.e. the time before the patient arrives at the hospital, and the hospital phase, in which the patient is in hospital. Ideally, the general measures … Therapy of a heart attack

Reperfusion Therapy | Therapy of a heart attack

Reperfusion Therapy If the myocardial infarction is confirmed and the transport of the patient to the hospital takes a long time, a thrombolytic therapy can be initiated by the emergency physician (for thrombolytic therapy see below). It is also important to treat any complications that arise during transport to hospital and to take further measures … Reperfusion Therapy | Therapy of a heart attack

Medication after a heart attack | Therapy of a heart attack

Medication after a heart attack After a heart attack, it is necessary to start a drug therapy to prevent a new heart attack.The basic drugs used for treatment are so-called platelet aggregation inhibitors, which inhibit the clumping of blood platelets (thrombocytes) and thus prevent a new blood clot from triggering another heart attack. Well-known representatives … Medication after a heart attack | Therapy of a heart attack