Long-term therapy | Therapy of a heart attack

Long-term therapy Accompanying long-term anticoagulant therapy should be carried out to counteract platelet aggregation. Suitable medications are acetylsalicylic acid (e.g. Aspirin ®) and clopidogrel (e.g. Plavix ®), which belong to the group of antiplatelet aggregation inhibitors, i.e. they are intended to prevent platelets from clumping together and forming a clot. These therapeutic measures reduce the … Long-term therapy | Therapy of a heart attack

Therapy of a silent heart attack | Therapy of a heart attack

Therapy of a silent heart attack A silent heart attack is treated like any normal heart attack. Only the administration of painkillers can usually be avoided, since a silent heart attack is characterized by the absence of the otherwise typical pain. While the heart attack takes place and immediately afterwards, the therapy initially consists of … Therapy of a silent heart attack | Therapy of a heart attack

Guidelines | Therapy of a heart attack

Guidelines Medical guidelines are systematically developed aids for decision-making on the appropriate medical approach to specific health problems and provide guidance on the treatment of diseases. The current guidelines are published by the German Society for Cardiology, Heart and Circulation Research (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kardiologie-, Herz- und Kreislaufforschung e. V.) and distinguish between infarcts with … Guidelines | Therapy of a heart attack

Causes of heart attack

During a heart attack, also known as myocardial infarction or heartbeat, a part of the heart muscle (myocardium) is undersupplied due to a circulatory disorder (ischemia). This lack of oxygen causes this part of the heart muscle cells to die. The circulatory disorder occurs because one of the vessels supplying the heart muscle is blocked. … Causes of heart attack