Therapy of AIDS

Differentiation AIDS – HIV AIDS (Acquired Immunne Deficiency Syndrome) describes the combination of symptoms that occur as a result of infection with the HI virus. HIV is the infectious virus, AIDS the resulting disease. An HIV-infected person does not have to suffer from AIDS as long as the virus has not broken out in the … Therapy of AIDS

Implementation of the HIV rapid test | HIV quick test – You should know that!

Implementation of the HIV rapid test In most cases the evaluation is done according to this principle: One stripe: No HIV antibodies were detected, so there is no HIV infection. A negative test result is only reliable three months after possible HIV infection! Two strips: HIV antibodies were detected. The probability of an HIV infection … Implementation of the HIV rapid test | HIV quick test – You should know that!

What are the alternatives? | HIV quick test – You should know that!

What are the alternatives? An alternative to the HIV rapid test is the HIV laboratory test. This test is carried out anyway in case of a positive HIV rapid test to ensure the diagnosis. It includes a screening test and a confirmation test by means of a blood test. The difference to the HIV rapid … What are the alternatives? | HIV quick test – You should know that!

The HI-Virus (HIV)

HIV is the causative agent of AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome). The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a retrovirus. Retroviruses contain ribonucleic acid (RNA) in an enveloping protein capsule. RNA is a carrier of genetic information, which differs from DNA by certain structural features. In cells, DNA is usually present as a double strand, while RNA … The HI-Virus (HIV)

AIDS symptoms

Introduction AIDS symptoms depend on the stage of the disease and vary from patient to patient. The symptoms of the AIDS disease are divided into three categories, which are characterized by the respective symptoms. AIDS category A symptoms This category (A) of symptoms of AIDS is characterized by the fact that about 30% of patients … AIDS symptoms