Which doctor treats HIV? | The HIV infection

Which doctor treats HIV?

Since HIV treatment is quite complex, one should consult a doctor specialized in HIV, who can better assess the course of the disease and is well versed in the treatment options. Usually these are doctors who have completed their specialist training in infectiology and have focused on HIV patients. The German AIDS Hilfe has a directory with a list of specialized HIV doctors – so you can find a practice near you. Alternatively, some clinics have an HIV outpatient clinic that you can visit.

These can be signs of an HIV infection

The signs of HIV infection are very variable and depend on the stage of the disease. In the initial stage, flu-like symptoms such as fever, sore throat, fatigue and swelling of the lymph nodes can occur. Nausea, diarrhea or skin rashes are also possible signs.

In this phase the viral load is particularly high – the body actively fights the virus and can keep it under control for the time being. This is followed by the so-called latency stage. In this phase there are hardly any symptoms.

However, the immune system cannot control the virus forever and over time the virus multiplies and destroys immune cells in our body, resulting in an immune deficiency. Due to this immune deficiency, various other diseases develop, which manifest themselves differently. In the second stage, weight loss, a slightly elevated temperature and chronic diarrhea can occur.

In addition, the mucous membrane of the mouth can be whitish, which indicates a fungal infection (so-called oral thrush). This fungus can also attack the mucous membrane in the genital area and cause a genital thrush. In addition, changed laboratory parameters can occur during a blood test.

The haemoglobin, i.e. the red blood cells and some immune cells are strongly decreased. If these symptom complexes occur, a more precise clarification should be carried out. The earlier an HIV infection is treated, the fewer serious complications occur.

In the third stage, the signs are very variable – the immune system is severely weakened and the AIDS stage is reached. Pneumonia, such as pneumocystis-jirovecii pneumonia, or a fungal infection of the esophagus are signs of the last stage. These diseases even define the AIDS stage.

At this stage at the latest, a more precise diagnosis should be made. Also the medical treatment of HIV should be initiated. Most of these diseases disappear again when the immune system is restored.