The treatment | Bowel cramps with diarrhoea

The treatment Many symptomatic therapy options are used in the treatment of intestinal cramps with diarrhoea. Most of them are independent of the underlying disease. Since the symptoms are due to muscular cramps, relaxation and warmth (for example a hot water bottle) can alleviate the symptoms. In addition, the digestive tract should not be burdened … The treatment | Bowel cramps with diarrhoea

The course of the disease | Bowel cramps with diarrhoea

The course of the disease The course of the disease depends on the cause of the intestinal cramps and diarrhoea. Acute infections and spoiled food usually cause severe symptoms for a few days, after which the symptoms quickly subside. Incompatibilities can cause the symptoms again and again when the triggering food is consumed, and the … The course of the disease | Bowel cramps with diarrhoea

Bowel cramps without diarrhoea

Definition – What are intestinal cramps without diarrhoea? Intestinal cramps denote an excessive tension of the smooth intestinal muscles. This musculature is responsible for the so-called peristalsis, which moves food around the intestine. The function of the muscles can be disturbed by various factors, resulting in increased and prolonged periods of tension. This causes intestinal … Bowel cramps without diarrhoea

Diagnosis | Bowel cramps without diarrhoea

Diagnosis The diagnosis of intestinal cramps without diarrhoea is based on many individual steps. Since intestinal cramps can be a symptom of many diseases, the interview of the affected person (anamnesis) is the first important part of the diagnosis. This is followed by an examination in which the abdomen is palpated and listened to. Depending … Diagnosis | Bowel cramps without diarrhoea

Burning after bowel movement after spicy food | Burning after bowel movement

Burning after bowel movement after spicy food If the burning sensation after defecation occurs once after eating, so it can definitely be related to the food, for example, various spices, especially hot spices, can be the cause. Spicy food and the use of highly pungent spices such as chili can subsequently cause them to be … Burning after bowel movement after spicy food | Burning after bowel movement

Burning after bowel movement at the anus | Burning after bowel movement

Burning after bowel movement at the anus If the burning sensation during or after bowel movements is mainly felt in the area of the anus, this often indicates a problem of the mucous membrane in this area or directly in the rectum above the sphincter. If, for example, small tears in the mucous membrane of … Burning after bowel movement at the anus | Burning after bowel movement

Diagnosis | Burning sensation in the bowel

Diagnosis The diagnosis begins with a precise survey of the symptoms and accompanying circumstances and a subsequent physical examination. Crucial for differentiating between the various inflammations and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are the exact symptomatology with accompanying symptoms, as well as the localisation of the pain and the exact time of its occurrence, for … Diagnosis | Burning sensation in the bowel

Anal fissure

Definition An anal fissure is a very painful, mostly longitudinal tear in the anal mucosa. In most cases, the symptoms are pain during bowel movement, itching and sometimes blood deposits on the stool. Anal fissures can occur in patients of any age. However, they occur most frequently between the ages of 30 and 40. Acute … Anal fissure