When is physiotherapy recommended? | Physiotherapy for a fracture of the radial head

When is physiotherapy recommended?

In the case of a radial head fracture, despite the necessary immobilization of the elbow joint, it is advisable to start physiotherapy early in order to counteract later problems that may delay the healing process. In practice, this means that treatment should be started within the first three days after the injury. In the beginning, the focus is on pain therapy and passive mobilization of the elbow joint.

Healing time

The duration of healing in a radial head fracture depends primarily on the severity of the injury. For example, type I fractures generally heal more quickly than more complex type III or IV injuries. Whether a conservative treatment method or surgery is chosen also influences the duration of healing. Normally, an uncomplicated radial head fracture heals within 6 weeks with consistent physiotherapy. However, in the case of complicated multiple injuries, complex operations and problems (e.g. due to adhesions, stiffening), this can be extended to up to 3 months during rehabilitation, or in extreme cases 6 months.

Can I drive with the fracture?

Whether a car can be driven after a fracture of the radial head is a complex question and must always be considered individually. Basically, the catalog of fines stipulates that you should not drive if you are physically restricted in any way that endangers yourself and other road users. At the elbow, this is especially the case when the range of motion is severely restricted by a cast or an orthosis.

In dangerous situations that require quick reactions and movements, the person affected is severely restricted by a fracture of the radial head. The car would legitimately have to be specially adapted for single-handed driving. If you are dependent on driving during the injury, talk to your doctor and insurance company to find out what is possible in your case. Otherwise, it is recommended that you do not drive again until after the cast or orthosis has been removed and freedom of movement has been restored.