Can stopping smoking cause a burning sensation in the lungs? | Burning in the lungs – Is that dangerous?

Can stopping smoking cause a burning sensation in the lungs? Especially when people smoke for the first time and the ingredients of the cigarette are actually inhaled, a burning sensation in the lungs occurs immediately or some time later. Our healthy and unaffected lungs are not prepared for this onslaught of harmful substances on the … Can stopping smoking cause a burning sensation in the lungs? | Burning in the lungs – Is that dangerous?

What are the causes of shortness of breath?

Definition Breathlessness is the subjective feeling of a person not being able to get enough air. This can be caused by difficult or insufficient breathing. Indications for this are usually an increased breathing rate. In addition, affected persons often use their respiratory assistance muscles. This can be seen, for example, by resting the hands on … What are the causes of shortness of breath?