Fat metabolism

Definition Fat metabolism in general refers to the absorption, digestion and processing of fats. We absorb fats through food or build them up from precursors ourselves and use them, for example, to provide energy or to produce important messenger substances in the body. After carbohydrates, fats are the most important suppliers of energy for our … Fat metabolism

Fat metabolism disorder | Fat metabolism

Fat metabolism disorder Fat metabolism disorders are shifts in the values of blood lipids. These can be either increased or decreased. One must differentiate between altered values of lipids (triglycerides) and altered values of lipoproteins (transport form of fats in the blood). Accordingly, a shift in the lipid values can result in increased cholesterol and/or … Fat metabolism disorder | Fat metabolism

Symptoms | Hyperlipidemia

Symptoms The blood fats are divided into “good” and “bad” fats. The HDL cholesterol is the “good” cholesterol. The most important representative of the “bad” fats is the LDL cholesterol. Like all other “bad” fats, it increases the risk of atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). Unfortunately, arteriosclerosis remains asymptomatic for a very long time. Only … Symptoms | Hyperlipidemia

Fat metabolism disorder

Introduction Fat metabolism disorders are diseases that lead to changes in cholesterol and triglyceride levels due to disorders in the transport, metabolism and production of fat. They are medically called dyslipidaemias. If there is a general increase in blood lipids cholesterol and triglycerides, one speaks of hyperlipidaemias. The values of the so-called blood lipids are … Fat metabolism disorder

Symptoms of a lipometabolic disorder | Fat metabolism disorder

Symptoms of a lipometabolic disorder Elevated blood lipid levels remain undetected for a long time because they do not initially cause any symptoms. They are often detected by chance in routine examinations or, in most cases, only become noticeable through late effects. These include narrowing of the heart vessels, which can lead to angina pectoris … Symptoms of a lipometabolic disorder | Fat metabolism disorder

What are the consequences of a lipometabolic disorder? | Fat metabolism disorder

What are the consequences of a lipometabolic disorder? The consequences of a lipometabolic disorder are the accumulation of fats in the vessel wall and the slow closure of the vessel wall.This is called atherosclerotic change or atherosclerosis. The vessels lose their elasticity and may even tear. If the arterial vessels become blocked, the tissue behind … What are the consequences of a lipometabolic disorder? | Fat metabolism disorder

These are the causes of a metabolic disorder | Metabolic disorder – What does it mean?

These are the causes of a metabolic disorder Since the range of metabolic disorders is very wide, the causes are also very diverse and different. Some metabolic disorders, such as cystic fibrosis, are congenital and thus genetically determined. In this case, this means that the child has fallen ill due to the inheritance of a … These are the causes of a metabolic disorder | Metabolic disorder – What does it mean?