Interactions | Gracia® slimming drops


There are no known interactions of Gracia® slimming drops with other drugs. If the prescribed dosages are adhered to, the amount of alcohol contained is also no problem. However, if the dosage is far exceeded, it can lead to interactions of other drugs with the alcohol.

If you want to lose weight and do not know how to change your diet, Gracia® Slimming Drops should not be used without medical advice for known thyroid diseases. In case of known iodine hypersensitivity, Gracia® slimming drops should not be used. For the use of Gracia® in pregnancy and lactation as well as the use in children under 12 years of age there are not enough data available, here the drops should not be used. Because of the high alcohol content (90% by volume), alcoholics should not take Gracia® slimming drops.

Dosage and application

The effective ingredient of Gracia® Slimming Drops is called Fucus vesiculosus; this is the Latin name of the brown algae bladderwrack, which is found widely in the North Atlantic, North Sea and Baltic Sea. The alga has been used in natural medicine for centuries. It contains a high proportion of iodine (0.1- 05%), which is probably the most effective part of the medicine.

The plant also contains beta-carotene, bromine, alginic acid, polyphenols (which have been proven to have antibiotic effects), xanthophylls (fucoxanthin), polysaccharides and pectin-like mucilages. In addition to the active ingredient Fucus vesiculosus, Gracia® Slimming Drops contain 90 vol-% ethanol (pure alcohol). Alcoholics are therefore not advised to use them.

Gracia® slimming drops and alcohol – is it compatible?

Gracia® Slimming Drops consist mainly of alcohol. One can therefore safely consume other alcohol while taking Gracia® Slimming Drops; harmful interactions will most likely not occur. However, it should be noted that alcohol itself contains an extremely high number of calories per gram, more than carbohydrates or proteins. In this respect, the intake of larger amounts of alcohol is certainly counterproductive when trying to lose weight.