
Synonyms Polymyositis, purple diseaseDermatomyositis is an inflammatory disease of the skin and skeletal muscle. In addition, organs such as the kidney or liver can be affected. Dermatomyositis is also called purple disease, as it is primarily noticeable by a purple redness in the area of the eyelids. Frequency distribution In dermatomyositis there are two phases … Dermatomyositis

Symptoms | Dermatomyositis

Symptoms The symptoms of dermatomyositis can vary greatly. However, there are characteristic symptoms that can be seen in most patients. First of all, the classic purple colouring in the area of the eyelid usually occurs; this typical skin change, which occurs mainly in the area of the eyelids and trunk, is caused by an erythema, … Symptoms | Dermatomyositis

Therapy | Dermatomyositis

Therapy In the treatment of dermatomyositis, it is important to know whether a carcinoma has occurred in addition to the disease. In most cases, the removal of the tumour leads to a decrease in the disease. If the patient suffers exclusively from dermatomyositis, he should initially stay away from strong UV light radiation. In addition, … Therapy | Dermatomyositis


Definition Polymyositis is a presumably immunologically caused disease of the muscle cells of the human body, which can lead to moderate to severe symptoms. Until today, the exact mechanism of the disease is not known. Until now, a so-called autoimmunological cause of the disease has been assumed, in which an excessive reaction of the human … Polymyositis

Diagnosis | Polymyositis

Diagnosis The diagnosis of polymyositis is difficult to make due to its manifold appearance. Usually one thinks first of a flu-like infection, a rheumatological illness or a medicine reaction (e.g. Simvastatin), before the suspicion of a Polymyositis is steered. When making a diagnosis, it is first important to rule out the other possible causes. One … Diagnosis | Polymyositis

Therapy | Polymyositis

Therapy Due to the complexity of the clinical picture, the treatment of polymyositis is accordingly difficult. Like all autoimmune diseases, treatment attempts are made in the direction of throttling the immune system. Cortisone and so-called immunosuppressive drugs reduce the performance of the immune system. Pain treatment is carried out with anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving drugs (e.g. … Therapy | Polymyositis