The denture | An overview of prosthetics

The denture

If several teeth have been lost, a denture can replace them. A distinction is made between partial and total dentures. If there are still teeth in the jaw, a partial denture is made, which is fixed to the remaining teeth.

It is a removable prosthesis. A total denture is also a removable denture. It is inserted in a completely edentulous jaw, i.e. when there are no teeth left in the affected jaw.

Colloquially it is also known as “denture”. It is held in place by the suction effect of saliva and the interaction of the surrounding muscles. and interim prosthesis

The clamp MEG

A clasp model one-piece cast prosthesis (clasp MEG prosthesis) is a partial prosthesis whose basic framework and retaining elements consist of a cast metal connection. In other partial dentures the clasps, which fix the prosthesis to the remaining own teeth, consist of wires, which are bent by the technician. In the case of a cast model prosthesis, the clasps are modelled from wax on the model and transferred to metal in order to fit exactly flat on the tooth. Apart from this, it is often possible to dispense with large parts of the plastic base in the case of a model casting prosthesis and thus offer the tongue and palate more freedom, which is perceived as pleasant.