Diagnosis | Pain at the vaginal entrance

Diagnosis Diagnosis requires a combination of a medical consultation and a gynecological examination with smears of the intimate region. During the conversation, special attention is paid to current complaints. Bartholinitis is usually a diagnosis of the gaze, as the symptoms are very typical. Inflammations of the intimate region are diagnosed by means of a smear. … Diagnosis | Pain at the vaginal entrance

Duration of pain at the vaginal entrance | Pain at the vaginal entrance

Duration of pain at the vaginal entrance Depending on the cause, the duration of the pain is difficult to estimate. Small injuries and irritations can heal quickly and cause pain only for a short time. Inflammations often develop within a few days, malignant changes can develop over years and, especially in the early stages, often … Duration of pain at the vaginal entrance | Pain at the vaginal entrance

Where do you feel the implantation pain? | Pain of implantation

Where do you feel the implantation pain? Most women report pulling centrally in the lower abdomen, exactly where the uterus is located. Rarely can women locate the pain more precisely. When does one feel the implantation pain? The implantation takes place between the seventh and twelfth day after ovulation. However, as the female cycle is … Where do you feel the implantation pain? | Pain of implantation

Pain of implantation

Definition – What is the implantation pain? The implantation of the egg, i.e. the penetration and connection of the egg with the uterine lining, takes place between the seventh and twelfth day after ovulation. The penetration of the egg into the mucous membrane causes a very small injury and may cause slight bleeding (nidation bleeding). … Pain of implantation


What is desogestrel? Desogestrel is a hormonal contraceptive and is therefore used to prevent unwanted pregnancy. It is a so-called “minipill”, an oral contraceptive with a progestin as its only active ingredient. Estrogen-free pills like Desogestrel advertise effective contraception without the side effects of the classic estrogen-progestin preparations (combined preparations). What’s the minipill? The minipill … Desogestrel

Interactions | Desogestrel

Interactions In general, interactions can occur when using several drugs. Desogestrel is also known to interact with other drugs. For this reason, a doctor or pharmacist should be consulted before taking any other medicine. Interactions are known to occur, for example, with antiepileptic drugs, barbiturates and St. John’s wort. They can accelerate the breakdown of … Interactions | Desogestrel

Is it possible to take it while breastfeeding? | Desogestrel

Is it possible to take it while breastfeeding? Women who are breastfeeding should generally use non-hormonal contraceptive methods. After that, however, the minipill is the method of choice. Desogestrel can therefore also be used while breastfeeding. Although small amounts of the active ingredient are absorbed into breast milk, no effect on the growth or development … Is it possible to take it while breastfeeding? | Desogestrel

Anatomy | Bonding of the fallopian tube

Anatomy The fallopian tube (Tuba uterina/Slapinx) is a paired female sexual organ. It lies within the abdominal cavity (peritoneal cavity), which is called the intraperitoneal position, and provides the connection between the ovaries (ovaries) and the uterus. The fallopian tube has a length of about 10-15 cm and consists of a funnel (infundibulum) near the … Anatomy | Bonding of the fallopian tube