Back pain | Pain of implantation

Back pain

Back pain occurs in the context of the implantation pain rather rarely. Accompanying back pain is rather associated with menstrual pain. Here, pain occurs mainly in the lower back, which can partially radiate into the flanks and between the shoulder blades.


The implantation pain is usually of low intensity and lasts only very briefly. In general, no therapy is necessary. Since implantation is a very sensitive process, women who wish to have children should avoid alcohol, nicotine and other drugs in any case.

Also painkillers should rather be avoided, as the blood circulation could be disturbed. A balanced diet and above all the increased intake of iron and folic acid is particularly important before fertilization and in the first weeks of pregnancy to promote the development of the neural tube (later spinal cord). If there is increased pain and bleeding, it is not so much a question of implantation pain, but rather of menstrual pain or miscarriage.

Painkillers can be taken here. If bleeding persists, a gynecologist must be consulted and possibly an abrasion (scraping of the uterus) must be performed. Accompanying back pain, which usually occurs during menstruation, can be treated with warm compresses or exercise.