Pain of implantation

Definition – What is the implantation pain?

The implantation of the egg, i.e. the penetration and connection of the egg with the uterine lining, takes place between the seventh and twelfth day after ovulation. The penetration of the egg into the mucous membrane causes a very small injury and may cause slight bleeding (nidation bleeding). In this context, there may also be slight pain or a slight pulling or stabbing in the lower abdomen.

However, there is no scientific evidence of nidation pain. It is noticeable that especially women with a long desire for children report nidation pain. A psychological component cannot be completely excluded.

What does the implantation pain feel like?

The fertilized egg cell is smaller than 0.2mm, difficult to see with the naked eye. The “injury” caused by the implantation in the endometrium is therefore very small. The bleeding caused is only a few drops.

The implantation pain is therefore less a real pain, but rather a slight pulling or stabbing in the lower abdomen. This feeling usually lasts only for a short time and is locally limited to the lower abdomen. The pulling usually does not spread to other parts of the body.

In some cases, it can lead to repeated pulling over several days. There are no other general symptoms, such as during menstruation. In general, however, the pain is similar to slight menstrual pain and a differentiation is usually only possible afterwards.


The duration of the implantation pain can be very variable. However, most women report a single pulling in the lower abdomen. Others describe a repeated pricking over several days.

It is noticeable that especially women with a strong desire to have children report increased nesting pain. It is possible that these women pay more attention to physical changes and therefore perceive such a pulling stronger and longer. However, it cannot be excluded that these symptoms have other causes and are misinterpreted. Especially if pain persists for several days, a doctor should be consulted and other causes clarified.