How do the values change during pregnancy | Thyroid gland values during pregnancy

How do the values change during pregnancy During pregnancy, the mother’s thyroid gland must also supply the child. The thyroid hormones are very important for a healthy physical and mental development of the growing baby. Therefore, natural conversion processes in a woman’s body lead to a change in the function of the thyroid gland, which … How do the values change during pregnancy | Thyroid gland values during pregnancy

What do I do if my thyroid levels are too high during pregnancy? | Thyroid gland values during pregnancy

What do I do if my thyroid levels are too high during pregnancy? The first question is which thyroid gland values are too high. If the control hormone TSH is increased, there is usually an underfunction and if the thyroid hormones (T3 and T4 or thyroxine) are increased, there is usually an overfunction. Depending on … What do I do if my thyroid levels are too high during pregnancy? | Thyroid gland values during pregnancy

What influence do the pregnancy values have on the development of my baby? | Thyroid gland values during pregnancy

What influence do the pregnancy values have on the development of my baby? The thyroid hormones play a central role in controlling the physical and mental development of the baby. Since the baby is initially unable to produce the hormones itself, it is dependent on the production of the maternal thyroid gland. The hormones reach … What influence do the pregnancy values have on the development of my baby? | Thyroid gland values during pregnancy

Prenatal test

Prenatal Diagnostics Prenatal tests are part of extended prenatal diagnostics. Prenatal diagnostics is the examination and early detection of diseases before the birth of the child in the womb. The examination can be carried out either on the foetus itself or on the mother, for example, the mother’s blood. These examinations can be non-invasive and … Prenatal test

Consequences of the test results for parents and child | Prenatal test

Consequences of the test results for parents and child The possibility of prenatal tests sometimes poses psychologically stressful questions for expectant parents. Nowadays, a lot is possible, but not everything makes sense. Since 2010 it has been a legal requirement that an intensive consultation with the doctor is carried out before prenatal tests are carried … Consequences of the test results for parents and child | Prenatal test

Thyroid gland values during pregnancy

Definition During pregnancy the need for thyroid hormones increases. Pregnancy hormones stimulate the thyroid gland to produce more. Particularly in the first three months of pregnancy, there is therefore a natural increase in thyroid hormones in the blood. At the same time, the level of the regulatory hormone TSH decreases. Due to the adjustment processes, … Thyroid gland values during pregnancy