Illness during pregnancy | Whooping cough

Illness during pregnancy

In general, if the mother has whooping cough during pregnancy, there is no danger for the baby, because the pathogen cannot enter the placenta and the circulation of the unborn child via the blood (the pathogen does not pass through the placenta). Nevertheless, if the whooping cough infection is clear, the mother should be treated with an antibiotic (usually the antibiotic “erythromycin”, which is harmless for the child). In particular with frequently occurring, strong coughing fits, premature birth can occur in individual cases.

However, the treating gynecologist should always be consulted. If pregnancy is planned, it should be checked whether a vaccination is available or whether an existing vaccination should be refreshed. This is necessary to prevent the transmission of pathogens to the newborn in the future. Other persons in the household (such as the father) should also be vaccinated. If you are already pregnant, you should not be vaccinated (to avoid strong reactions of the immune system), but should be vaccinated as soon as possible after birth.


Whooping cough is treated with antibiotics, which interrupts the infection. The complications also occur less frequently under antibiotics. Infants in the stage characterized by coughing attacks should be observed and treated in hospital.

Preparations that satisfy coughs or dissolve phlegm do not help here. In severe cases, treatment in hospital is necessary.Emergency treatment may be necessary for infants. An antibiotic should only be taken if prescribed by a doctor.

With whooping cough disease it is important that the antibiotic is taken as early as possible. The antibiotic has the best effect on the course of the disease if it is taken in the first stage (stage catarrhale), because this is when the bacteria have done the least damage and the bacteria are still multiplying and reaching their highest number. If you have missed the first stage and coughing attacks are already occurring (typical for the second stage), you should nevertheless consult a doctor quickly, as there may still be bacteria in the body and antibiotics in the early second stage can have a positive effect on the further course of the disease.

In general, sick people should take it easy and stay at home. A lot of rest is important, although absolute bed rest is not necessary. The room air should be kept cool and humid.

The aim is above all to loosen the tough mucus and thus make breathing easier. Inhaling hot water (possibly mixed with salt, camomile extract or similar) can help here. Irradiation with red light lamps, which has an expectorant effect, can also provide relief.

Rubbing the chest with essential oils, thyme or eucalyptus oil can also help (please do not use essential oils for babies), as can tapping massages on the back from bottom to top. There is nothing to be said against giving cold teas with honey, but the hot lemon should be handled with care, as the lemon can irritate the throat further. Caution should also be exercised with all kinds of (hot) drinks, as children in particular can quickly swallow them because of coughing attacks.

The most important measure continues to be a sufficient intake of liquid (preferably in the form of tea) and sufficient meals – here, several small meals spread over the day are particularly useful. Other alternatives for treatment at home are quark compresses, hot compresses with thyme or eucalyptus, onion compresses, elderberry syrup and various lozenges (e.g. Icelandic moss). Homeopathy can be used as a supporting therapy.

However, the current guidelines recommend primary antibiotic therapy, if prescribed by the doctor. In general, certain globules from the field of homeopathy are offered as supportive therapy (Drosera rotundifolia D 30 – two globules twice a day until the symptoms have clearly improved). Carbo vegetabilis C15 is offered especially in cases of severe exhaustion to improve breathing and reduce the feeling of suffocation.

Belladonna can protect against severe attacks of chesty cough and Allium cepa is effective for cold-like symptoms. Corallium rubrum C9 can also help – here 5 globules should be taken after each coughing attack. However, there are many other homeopathic remedies that are said to have a supportive effect.