Cartilage damage

Cartilage belongs to the connective and supporting tissues. It consists of cartilage cells and the intercellular substance surrounding them. Depending on the composition of this substance, a distinction is made between hyaline, elastic and fibrous cartilage. Cartilage baldness describes the condition when there is no more cartilage. Cartilage tissue in general is very elastic in … Cartilage damage

Activated arthrosis

What is activated arthrosis? Actuated arthrosis is the most severe form of arthrosis (joint wear and tear). It occurs when a joint that is already affected by arthrosis is stressed too much or for too long. The typical signs of inflammation are pain, swelling, redness and restricted mobility. The pain of activated arthrosis is usually … Activated arthrosis

Treatment of an activated arthrosis | Activated arthrosis

Treatment of an activated arthrosis First of all, it is important that the joint is immobilised without fail, i.e. that it is not subjected to too much load. Cooling – for example with cooling pads or cool compresses – can temporarily relieve the symptoms. The application of heat – for example by means of infrared … Treatment of an activated arthrosis | Activated arthrosis

These are the symptoms of cartilage baldness | Cartilage baldness – What is it?

These are the symptoms of cartilage baldness Cartilage baldness is characterized by similar symptoms as other cartilage damage. Typically, pain occurs in the affected joint. These are particularly noticeable when the joint is subjected to stress. At rest, however, the symptoms are not as severe. In the course of the disease, the lack of a … These are the symptoms of cartilage baldness | Cartilage baldness – What is it?

Treatment of cartilage baldness | Cartilage baldness – What is it?

Treatment of cartilage baldness The therapy of cartilage baldness aims at allowing the cartilage to grow back over the bone. There are various methods for this. One can either try to cultivate cartilage cells from the body’s own stem cells. Alternatively, a foreign donation is also possible. These cells can usually be injected into the … Treatment of cartilage baldness | Cartilage baldness – What is it?

Cartilage baldness – What is it?

Definition – What is cartilage baldness? The term cartilaginous baldness is derived from the traditional bald head and describes a condition in which the cartilage on the joint no longer completely covers the bone. In the joint, the bone is normally covered by cartilage, so the bone is not directly rubbed off during joint movements, … Cartilage baldness – What is it?

Course of the arthrosis

The course of an arthrosis usually extends over many years. The patient is usually not aware of the beginning of the disease. Only when the arthrosis has progressed do symptoms appear. The starting point of any arthrosis is damage to the cartilage coating, the so-called “cartilage damage“. This damage is often initially limited to a … Course of the arthrosis