Olecranon fracture

Definition The olecranon is the upper (proximal) end of the ulna. It represents the starting point of the triceps brachii muscle. The olecranon is part of the elbow joint and articulates here with the joint roll of the humerus (trochlea humeri). The elbow joint (Articulatio cubiti) is a compound joint consisting of three parts. The … Olecranon fracture

Treatment | Olecranon fracture

Treatment The treatment of an olecranon fracture is in most cases surgical. Only in the case of non-displaced (non-dislocated) fractures in children can the fracture be treated conservatively, as their bones have another healing ability. In this case, the fracture is immobilised with a Gilchrist or Desault dressing. Immobilization ensures that the bone parts grow … Treatment | Olecranon fracture