Therapy | Scaphoid fracture in the foot

Therapy A scaphoid fracture is usually treated conservatively. If the bones have not shifted against each other and do not restrict the movement of the foot, a plaster cast is applied. This immobilizes the foot for several weeks in everyday life to prevent the fracture from worsening and to ensure healing. Physiotherapy can be performed … Therapy | Scaphoid fracture in the foot

Fatigue fracture in the foot

Synonyms in a broader sense Fatigue fracture, stress fracture, march fracture, insufficiency fracture Definition/Introduction A fatigue fracture of the foot is a creeping fracture of the bone (fracture), which occurs due to overloading, frequent, one-sided or constantly repeated loading (cyclic loading). It develops over a longer period of time. However, the force acting on the … Fatigue fracture in the foot

Diagnosis | Fatigue fracture in the foot

Diagnosis Since a fatigue fracture is not associated with a clear fracture event, diagnosis is usually made late.Diagnostic measures for the detection of a fatigue fracture are, on the one hand, the clinical examination of the foot for certain fracture signs (fracture signs) such as axial malpositioning of the bone, bone crackling (crepitation), abnormal mobility … Diagnosis | Fatigue fracture in the foot

Prognosis | Therapy of a scaphoid fracture

Prognosis The prognosis is favorable with operative and conservative therapy. Nevertheless, there are therapy failures in both forms of therapy, i.e. bone fractures do not heal. An untreated scaphoid fracture generally ends in the formation of a false joint (pseudarthrosis), which can be painless and can only cause problems years after the fall. It should … Prognosis | Therapy of a scaphoid fracture

Vertebro- and kyphoplasty

Vertebral body alignment, balloon dilatation, cementing of the vertebral body Definition Vertebroplasty: Vertebral body stabilization for vertebral body fractures, or prophylactically for imminent vertebral body fractures, by inserting bone cement without ballooning the vertebral body. Kyphoplasty: Vertebral body stabilization for vertebral body fractures, or prophylactically for impending vertebral body fractures, by introducing bone cement with … Vertebro- and kyphoplasty

Complications | Vertebro- and kyphoplasty

Complications Complications in kyphoplasty are very rare (approximately 0.2% per fracture). The main risk is a leakage of bone cement from the vertebral body, which is, however, seen more frequently in vertebroplasty (vertebroplasty approx. 20-70%; kyphoplasty approx. 4-10%). The reason for this is the use of a more fluid bone cement and a higher pressure … Complications | Vertebro- and kyphoplasty

Fatigue fracture of the tibia

Definition A fatigue fracture is most frequently a so-called stress fracture, which occurs particularly in competitive and running sports. They most frequently affect the lower extremity. Initial small cracks eventually develop into a fracture, which is often diagnosed late. Causes of a fatigue fracture of the tibia In principle, fatigue fracture is caused by constant … Fatigue fracture of the tibia