Operation of a humerus fracture | Upper arm fracture – You need to know now!

Operation of a humerus fracture In principle, there is the possibility of conservative and surgical treatment of an upper arm fracture. For a conservative therapy (immobilization in a plaster cast), special requirements must be met: On the one hand, the two ends of the fracture must not be displaced against each other. In addition, the … Operation of a humerus fracture | Upper arm fracture – You need to know now!

Diagnosis | Upper arm fracture – You need to know now!

Diagnosis The diagnosis of an upper arm fracture must be adapted individually to the situation. In serious accidents, for example, the fracture of the upper arm plays only a minor role and life-threatening injuries should first be diagnosed and treated. Fractures of the upper arm, which are accompanied by a considerable displacement of the bone … Diagnosis | Upper arm fracture – You need to know now!

Prophylaxis | Upper arm fracture – You need to know now!

Prophylaxis Upper arm fractures are usually caused by considerable forces that usually occur in accidents or during sports. Therefore, a general prophylaxis before the development of the most common upper arm fractures cannot be recommended. At best, caution is recommended for sports known for upper arm fractures. Diseases that lead to reduced bone stability should … Prophylaxis | Upper arm fracture – You need to know now!


Introduction Everyone has seen it before and many have worn it themselves – a plaster cast. The bandage, made of hard plaster, is a means of conservative treatment of damage to anatomical structures. These include not only the bones, with which most people put a cast, but also the joints, ligaments and tendons. The plaster … Plaster

Wearing period | Plaster

Wearing period The length of time for which the cast must be worn depends on the severity of the injury and the location. Some patients get rid of the cast after one week, others only after 10 weeks. Below are some examples of situations that require the application of a plaster cast: Short-term immobilization after … Wearing period | Plaster

Broken or bruised ribs

Definition A rib fracture is a severance of the bony ribs. One or more ribs may break in the course of external force (serial rib fracture). The term rib contusion describes a bruise (technical term: contusion) in the area of the bony ribcage. A contusion of the ribs is usually the result of blunt trauma. … Broken or bruised ribs