Strength training to prevent falls in old age | Fall in old age

Strength training to prevent falls in old age The special strength training for fall prevention includes exercises for the leg and trunk muscles. Many elderly people have problems doing exercises on the floor if they limit themselves to exercises in sitting and standing positions. Nevertheless, it is also necessary to practice standing up from the … Strength training to prevent falls in old age | Fall in old age

Femur fracture

The thigh bone (lat. femur) is one of the most stable bones in the human body. Nevertheless, fractures (so-called femur fracture) can occur in the area of this bone. Fractures of the thigh are much more common in older patients than in young people. This fact is mainly due to the fact that structural changes … Femur fracture

Symptoms | Femur fracture

Symptoms Patients who have a fractured thigh usually complain of severe pain that increases in intensity under every load. In addition, the fracture often causes a significant reduction in movement. Both the mobility of the hip joint and the range of motion of the knee joint can be severely restricted at times. The affected leg … Symptoms | Femur fracture

Diagnosis | Femur fracture

Diagnosis The diagnosis of a fracture of the femur is divided into several sections. The first step in the diagnosis is the detailed doctor-patient consultation (anamnesis). During this conversation, specific questions are asked regarding the course of the accident and the existing complaints. This is followed by a physical examination in which the affected leg … Diagnosis | Femur fracture

Tibial head fracture

The tibial head fracture is also known medically as tibial head fracture. It is a fracture within the upper end of the tibia, usually as a result of an accident. Since this part of the tibia is involved in the knee joint, a tibial head fracture can, under certain circumstances, cause a significant impairment of … Tibial head fracture