Femoral neck fracture in children | Femoral neck fracture

Femoral neck fracture in children The thigh bone (femur) is the strongest bone in the human body, and therefore breaks in healthy young people only in the case of strong violence, such as a fall from a great height. Due to generally better healing processes in children, conservative therapies can be justified far more often … Femoral neck fracture in children | Femoral neck fracture

Hip Arthrosis | Late consequences of a fracture of the femoral neck

Hip Arthrosis Hip arthrosis is a disease of the hip joint caused by wear and tear of structures close to the joint. Secondary hip arthrosis can result in the subsequent installation of a hip prosthesis. An untreated femoral head necrosis can cause the development of secondary hip arthrosis. Further causes of hip arthrosis as a … Hip Arthrosis | Late consequences of a fracture of the femoral neck

Leg length difference | Late consequences of a fracture of the femoral neck

Leg length difference A functional leg length difference can occur as a late consequence after surgical treatment of a femoral neck fracture. As a result of impaired fracture healing or loosening of implants, the formation of an asymmetrical leg axis is possible. The diagnosis of a leg length difference is usually made clinically. Over time, … Leg length difference | Late consequences of a fracture of the femoral neck

Duration of pain | Healing time of the fracture of the femoral neck

Duration of pain A fracture of the neck of the femur is often associated with considerable pain. The operation itself also usually causes considerable pain. As a rule, a significant improvement in pain occurs after a few weeks. Adequate pain therapy and early mobilization with supportive physiotherapy are supportive. Duration of rehabilitation The medical rehabilitation … Duration of pain | Healing time of the fracture of the femoral neck

Prognosis | Fracture of the femoral neck

Prognosis In order to prevent a femoral neck fracture, the main cause, a general tendency to fall, must be eliminated or reduced, especially in older people. Besides circulatory problems that can lead to collapse, overdose or incorrect use of sleeping, pain or sedative drugs are also triggering factors for falls. Especially when medicating with many … Prognosis | Fracture of the femoral neck