Sex Therapy

Modern sex therapy is a behavioral therapy-oriented procedure with psychotherapeutic elements that is used to treat sexual dysfunction. The goal of the procedure is to invalidate misconceptions, fears and so-called sex myths. This form of therapy is always preceded by sexual counseling, which is sufficient to clarify the problem and possibly already to find solution … Sex Therapy

What to do About Jealousy

Surely almost every person has been jealous at some point. For some, occasional jealousy is even part of a partnership. However, with control calls and jealousy scenes, you quickly put your relationship at risk. We show what you can do to get your jealousy under control. What is jealousy? Jealousy is a mixture of several … What to do About Jealousy


“Granuloma inguinale” (GI) is a sexually transmitted disease that occurs in certain areas worldwide and is associated with extensive ulceration and even mutilation. It is caused by bacteria found only in humans and is curable with antibiotics. Of microbes and humans For a long time, the pathogen went by the unpronounceable name Calymmatobacterium granulomatis. After … Donovanosis

Crabs: Pubic Lice

Crabs cling primarily to pubic and armpit hair and feed on human blood. Itching and tiny bruises indicate the pests. They themselves hardly move and are thus quite well hidden. The vernacular often does not mince words when it comes to describing even unsavory things. Felt or pubic lice therefore have a number of colloquial … Crabs: Pubic Lice

STDs on the Rise

Sex is fun and healthy. But sometimes coitus is followed by a rude awakening. That is when pathogens go on a journey and look for a new host. However, they only succeed during unprotected intercourse. The history of venereal diseases is probably as old as mankind. It was not always known by what means they … STDs on the Rise

Gonorrhea (Gonorrhea)

The infection more commonly known as gonorrhea is the second most common sexually transmitted disease worldwide. Offenders are gonococci, bullet bacteria that live only on humans and are transmitted almost exclusively through direct mucosal contact, that is, unprotected sexual intercourse. Of microbes and humans Each year, more than 60 million people become infected worldwide. Since … Gonorrhea (Gonorrhea)

Genital Herpes (Genital Herpes)

Infection in the genital area with the herpes simplex virus is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases. However, over half of those affected are unaware of their infection and thus continue to spread the virus unnoticed. From microbes and humans “Herpes” is the colloquial abbreviation for an infection with the herpes simplex virus … Genital Herpes (Genital Herpes)

Mycoplasma Infections

Mycoplasmas are tiny bacteria that cause a number of urogenital and respiratory diseases in humans. Some of them live peacefully on genital mucous membranes without us noticing. However, sometimes mycoplasmas cause diseases – mycoplasma infections. Mycoplasma Mycoplasmas are the smallest and simplest known organisms that reproduce themselves. Unlike other bacteria, they have only a thin … Mycoplasma Infections

What is Syphilis?

Lues venerea – love disease – is the technical name for one of the oldest venereal diseases. Considered almost eradicated in the mid-1990s, the number of new cases has been rising alarmingly worldwide in recent years. Pathogens are treponemes, spiral-shaped rod-shaped bacteria that live only on humans and are transmitted predominantly through direct mucosal contact. … What is Syphilis?