Sterilization by Laparoscopy: Sterilization for a Woman

Female sterilization is preferably performed by laparoscopy (laparoscopy of the abdomen). The goal is bilateral blockage of the fallopian tubes and thus permanent inability to conceive. Indications (areas of application) Completed family planning Female sterilization is a relatively more complex operation than male sterilization. The surgical procedure In women, the following procedure is mainly used … Sterilization by Laparoscopy: Sterilization for a Woman

Surgery of a Benign Breast Tumor

Surgery for a benign (benign) mammary tumor (synonym: breast tumor) is a surgical procedure. Nearly 90% of women will experience benign changes in breast tissue during their lifetime. Indications (areas of application) Mastopathy Mastopathies are proliferative and regressive changes of the mammary gland tissue that usually occur bilaterally. They are due to hormonal imbalance. They … Surgery of a Benign Breast Tumor

Descensus Surgery

Descensus surgeries (synonym: descensus operations) are surgical procedures for the surgical correction of descensus uteri et vaginae (deepening of the uterus/uterus and vagina/vagina). The degree of descensus (lowering) of the uterus or vagina defines whether the lowering of the uterus or vagina is a descensus or a prolapse (particularly pronounced form of uterine descent; here: … Descensus Surgery


Postcurettage (synonym: postcurettage; curettage, curettage) or night palpation is the scraping of the uterus performed after complete or incomplete expulsion of a pregnancy. Indications (areas of application) Night palpation for incomplete placenta (placenta) post partum (after birth)/manual placental abruption. Increased bleeding post partum Atonic uterus (uterine atony or atonic postpartum hemorrhage) – contraction weakness of … Postcurettage

Breast-conserving Therapy in Breast Carcinoma

Breast-conserving therapy (synonym: BET) (synonym: breast-conserving surgery, BEO) is a surgical procedure for the treatment of breast carcinoma (breast cancer). In contrast to mastectomy (surgical removal of the breast), the surgical procedure is performed without complete removal of the pathologically altered breast. Both procedures primarily serve to achieve optimal tumor control in the breast area … Breast-conserving Therapy in Breast Carcinoma