Therapy of nail bed inflammation on the finger | Nail bed inflammation on the finger

Therapy of nail bed inflammation on the finger Depending on the extent of the inflammation, an acute nail bed inflammation can be treated by the patient before consulting a doctor. First of all it is helpful to bathe the affected finger once a day. You can use warm water and add substances such as tea … Therapy of nail bed inflammation on the finger | Nail bed inflammation on the finger

Inflammation in the nail bed

Synonyms Onychia, paronychia, panaritium, nail bed inflammationThe nail bed represents an anatomical structure that is located directly under the finger and toe nail. Within this tissue, mainly bacterial pathogens and fungi can lead to the development of inflammatory processes (inflammation of the nail bed). In most cases, an inflammation in this area is not limited … Inflammation in the nail bed

Indications for surgery | Surgery for an inflammation of the nail bed

Indications for surgery Mostly nail bed inflammations can be treated conservatively with ointments or antiseptic baths. If nail bed inflammation is already more advanced or if fever and chills occur, antibiotics can be used. If the inflammation does not improve or even worsens, surgery should be performed. In addition, surgical therapy should be considered for … Indications for surgery | Surgery for an inflammation of the nail bed

How severe is the pain? | Surgery for an inflammation of the nail bed

How severe is the pain? Nail bed inflammation can be very painful without treatment. Since the surgery is performed under local anesthesia, one should not feel any pain during the procedure. Only the puncture of the anesthetic needle at the beginning of the operation can cause a small painful sting and a burning sensation. If … How severe is the pain? | Surgery for an inflammation of the nail bed