How severe is the pain? | Surgery for an inflammation of the nail bed

How severe is the pain?

Nail bed inflammation can be very painful without treatment. Since the surgery is performed under local anesthesia, one should not feel any pain during the procedure. Only the puncture of the anesthetic needle at the beginning of the operation can cause a small painful sting and a burning sensation. If the anesthesia wears off after the surgery, the area may hurt again. In this case, however, an analgesic can be prescribed to relieve the pain.

How does the healing process work?

After an operation, the corresponding area must be immobilized, for example with the help of a plaster splint. Depending on the extent of the inflammation and the extent of the operation, the hand or foot should not be put under any load for one to several weeks until the wound has healed.

Aftercare after surgery

After the operation of a nail bed inflammation, the corresponding area is covered with a disinfecting ointment bandage. Depending on the extent of the procedure, healing may take from a week to months. In most cases, however, the area heals within several days.

During this recovery period, the area should be immobilized. This can be supported by a plaster splint. After the procedure, the doctor can postpone painkillers to relieve any pain that may occur.