Appendectomy: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

Appendectomy is the surgical removal of the vermiform appendix (appendix for short). Nowadays, the procedure is almost always performed minimally invasively, i.e., by laparoscopy (laparoscopy).Appendicitis (synonym: appendicitis) is the inflammation of the appendix vermiformis. It usually occurs in individuals in the second and third decades of life and in childhood. The incidence (number of new … Appendectomy: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

Partial Removal of the Small Intestine (Small Bowel Resection)

Small bowel resection is a surgical procedure for partial removal of the small bowel. Indications (areas of application) Acute mesenteric ischemia (AMI; intestinal infarction, mesenteric artery occlusion, mesenteric infarction, mesenteric occlusive disease, angina abdominalis). Small bowel stenosis (narrowing of the small intestine). Fistula formation – formation of non-physiological ducts in the area of the small … Partial Removal of the Small Intestine (Small Bowel Resection)

Gall Bladder Removal (Cholecystectomy)

Cholecystectomy is a surgical procedure to remove the gallbladder, which can be used primarily for symptomatic cholecystolithiasis (gallstone disease with the appearance of symptoms). Cholecystectomy can be performed laparoscopically (minimally invasive surgical procedure in which an endoscope and surgical instruments are inserted into the abdomen through openings in the abdominal wall) or openly, with the … Gall Bladder Removal (Cholecystectomy)

Dysgnathia Surgery, Bimaxillary Osteotomy: Repositioning Osteotomy of the Jaw

A surgical rearrangement of the positional relationship of the jaws is referred to as rearrangement osteotomy of the jaws (maxillomandibular osteotomy; maxillomandibular rearrangement osteotomy, MMO). A distinction is made between the realignment of only one jaw – i.e. the upper or lower jaw – and the bignath realignment osteotomy, in which both jaws are operated … Dysgnathia Surgery, Bimaxillary Osteotomy: Repositioning Osteotomy of the Jaw

Lengthening of the Jaw Bone (Distraction Osteogenesis)

Distraction osteogenesis (synonym: callus distraction) is a surgical procedure whose literal translation already explains the procedure: new bone formation by pulling apart. Following the biological healing processes after fractures (broken bones), the new production of bone substance in the fracture gap is achieved by removing the bone fragments from each other. After an accidental bone … Lengthening of the Jaw Bone (Distraction Osteogenesis)

Surgical Procedures on the Body

Operations (surgeries) are instrumental surgical procedures performed on or in the body to restore or maintain the body’s multiple functions. Pathological changes can be eliminated, quality of life improved, recovery of the body promoted, and health strengthened. For certain diseases, surgery is the cure of choice.In addition to the purpose of therapy, there are also … Surgical Procedures on the Body

Artificial Hair Implantation

Artificial hair implantation is an aesthetic procedure that can provide hair replacement in cases of hair loss. Alopecia (hair loss) is a serious medical condition, as the patient’s psychological well-being suffers most of all. Self-esteem and satisfaction with one’s appearance have a significant influence on the patient’s well-being and social life. Both women and men … Artificial Hair Implantation

Eyelid Correction (Blepharoplasty)

For many people, the eyes are an expression of mood, feelings and well-being. Droopy eyelids, drooping eyelids, eye wrinkles or bags under the eyes quickly make a person appear sad, tired or sick, although he feels good. This sometimes considerably impairs the feeling of well-being. Blepharoplasty (synonyms: eyelid correction, eyelid lift) is a frequently performed … Eyelid Correction (Blepharoplasty)

Lip Correction Procedure

Full lips give the face a youthful and sensual appearance. Through injections or surgical procedures for lip correction, the lips are sculpted, get more volume and smaller wrinkles are smoothed. Narrow lips or lips framed by wrinkles make a face look austere and do not correspond to our ideal of beauty. Here, volume building measures … Lip Correction Procedure

Operation of varicose veins

Introduction In medical terminology, varicose vein disease is called varicosis. It is a dilatation and bulging of superficial veins, which leads to a tortuosity and tangling of the affected vein. This usually affects the veins of the legs. Eventually, the superficial veins are no longer able to efficiently transport the blood back to the heart. … Operation of varicose veins