What is Anthrax?

Anthrax is an infectious disease with characteristic symptoms that is largely extinct in Germany. Originally, anthrax is a disease of veterinary origin, occurring specifically in ungulates. Diseased animals have an enlarged spleen with black-red, gangrenous discoloration. The name anthrax is due to this fact.

Anthrax: definition

Anthrax or anthrax, (anthrax = charcoal, because of the black discoloration of the spleen or affected skin area) is a bacterial infectious disease that occurs worldwide and can be transmitted from animals, especially cattle, sheep, and horses to humans (zoonosis). The risk of human-to-human infection is low.

Anthrax: pathogen called Bacillus anthracis.

The anthrax pathogen was first discovered in 1855 by the German physician Aloys Pollender (1800 – 1879). It is a gram-positive, encapsulated, aerobic, spore-forming rod that belongs to the Bacillaceae family. Robert Koch, the founder of modern bacteriology, succeeded in cultivating the pathogen in 1876 and carried out the first artificial infection. Louis Pasteur succeeded in developing a vaccine against anthrax in 1883. Crucial to the aggressiveness of the pathogen is its ability to form toxins and capsules. Encapsulated, it escapes the defense mechanisms of animals and humans. The survival time of the bacterium in the environment is short. However, it is capable of forming extremely resistant spores that may survive for decades. Spores are practically “inactive” life forms of the bacteria. If they enter a favorable environment, they become active again and begin to multiply. During World War II, research experiments with prepared shells in Great Britain contaminated the island of Gruinard off the coast of Scotland with the Bacillus for decades. Depending on the route of infection, the pathogen leads to a different clinical picture. Depending on the intensity and exposure time to the bacterium, it can take between one to 14 days for the first signs of illness to appear.

Anthrax: recognizing symptoms

In approximately 95 percent of cases, spores of the pathogen enter the human organism through the skin surface (cutaneous anthrax). The smallest skin lesions serve as entry ports for the bacillus. A typical feature of this form is reddening at the site of absorption, in which a blister with a black center forms. Starting with small pustules and progressing to ulcers, inflammatory water retention (edema) and suppuration, the general condition quickly deteriorates with fever, vomiting, disorientation and cardiovascular disorders. The transfer of the pathogens into the lymphatic system with subsequent blood poisoning usually ends fatally. If treatment is started in time, the chances of recovery are good. Pulmonary anthrax develops after inhalation of the spores. After a flu-like initial stage, severe pneumonia develops with increasing respiratory distress. The prognosis is much worse here. Death occurs approximately 3 to 5 days after the onset of the disease. Intestinal anthrax develops via infected food or drinking water. There is fever with severe abdominal pain and bloody diarrhea. This form is also usually fatal after a short time. Pulmonary and intestinal anthrax occur only in very rare cases.

Therapy with penicillin

Anthrax is successfully treated with the timely administration of high-dose penicillin for several weeks. For persons allergic to penicillin, the antibiotics erythromycin and tetracycline are suitable.

Research continues

In 2002, U.S. researchers led by Raymond Schuch at Rockefeller University developed a protein (PlyG lysine protein) that renders harmless the toxic substances secreted by the anthrax pathogen. In addition, based on the researched compound, areas suspected of having anthrax spores can be examined by rapid testing method. This previously took several days. In an issue of the journal Nature Biotechnology, scientist Mourez and his research group show their results on an inhibitor they developed against the anthrax toxin. The studies in rats showed no side effects. With the help of this inhibitor, both a prophylactic measure would exist and a drug for the treatment of anthrax would be created.In 2013, an inactivated anthrax vaccine was licensed in Germany for immunization of people who might come into contact with anthrax pathogens, such as veterinarians or knackers.