Breast Cancer (Mammary Carcinoma): Micronutrient Therapy

Within the framework of micronutrient medicine (vital substances), the following vital substances (micronutrients) are used to prevent (prevent) breast cancer. Folic acid Vitamin D Lutein, lycopene, zeaxanthin In the context of micronutrient medicine (vital substances), the following vital substances (macro- and micronutrients) are used for supportive therapy. Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) Case reports continue to report … Breast Cancer (Mammary Carcinoma): Micronutrient Therapy

Breast Cancer (Mammary Carcinoma): Surgical Therapy

General With few exceptions (e.g., high-risk patients with a family history who may have preventive surgery), breast cancer therapy today consists of a combination of different therapies (surgery, radiotherapy (radiation therapy), chemotherapy, antihormone therapy). Preoperative imaging, punch or vacuum biopsy diagnostics in combination with: Histology (fine tissue examination), Grading (assessment of the degree of differentiation … Breast Cancer (Mammary Carcinoma): Surgical Therapy

Breast Cancer (Mammary Carcinoma): Radiotherapy

Radiotherapy (radiatio; radiation therapy) is used adjuvantly to surgical and drug therapy. Ionizing radiation is used to cause maximum damage to tumor tissue while sparing healthy tissue. Radiation therapy destroys any tumor cells that may remain in the body after surgery. Radiation therapy thus reduces the risk of tumor recurrence and tumor mortality. Adjuvant (“supportive”) … Breast Cancer (Mammary Carcinoma): Radiotherapy