Healthy Living with Exercise and Sports

Regular moderate physical activity is one of the most effective factors in protecting against many diseases. In addition, it can contribute significantly to an improvement in quality of life and well-being. Read here what sport and exercise do for your health.

Regular exercise as a weapon against aging

The range of effects has been impressively demonstrated in a large number of studies. It is now well established that sports and exercise activities can extend lifespan, especially when risk factors for premature mortality are present. The health effect of physical activity is even higher than that of weight loss, i.e. a reduction in body mass index, lower systolic blood pressure or blood cholesterol levels.

The high health relevance of exercise is also underlined by another study: According to this, physically active people have a survival advantage over physically inactive people equivalent to that of a non-smoker over a smoker of 20 cigarettes a day. Regular exercise in the form of endurance and strength sports is the main weapon against aging. Staying on your toes increases well-being, improves mood and prevents senile dementia.

Physical activity in everyday life

Physical activity helps people get back in shape faster after illness, strengthens the immune system, reduces stress, regulates fat metabolism, lowers blood pressure, and helps maintain a healthy body weight.

Sports keep you young and increase physical and mental fitness. Physical activity is not necessarily tied to sports – corresponding effects can also be achieved in everyday life: Use the stairs instead of the elevator, walk or bike short and medium distances, and leave your car at home. Even then you are already doing something for your health!

It is important that you exercise moderately on a regular basis (ideally three to four times 30 to 45 minutes per week) and do not jump straight in at one hundred percent after longer periods of inactivity.

Sport in old age

In old age, exercise is the only scientifically proven method of halting functional decline, especially of the organs and the musculoskeletal system, as well as the performance of the body and mind. Even in the very elderly, who have never exercised or have not exercised for a long time, there are clear health gains from physical activity. For example, people who start regular endurance training at the age of 60 or 70 show significant improvements in the condition of their cardiovascular system after only a short time.

The same applies to the performance of the active and passive musculoskeletal system. But the function of reaction and short-term memory can also be significantly improved in elderly people by means of exercise, and this can be achieved even by simple forms of exercise such as walking.

Studies from Japan also show that physically active elderly people not only have a more favorable death rate, but they also remain interested in everyday activities such as personal environment and hobbies for longer than inactive elderly people. Thus, physical activity in old age appears to significantly enhance quality of life.