Hearing Loss: Causes, Treatment & Help

Hearing loss, hearing disorder or hearing impairment refers to a symptom in which the normal function of hearing is impaired. In this context, hearing loss can occur as a result of injuries to the hearing and the organs of hearing, as well as a typical symptom of old age in older people. However, due to noise and crash, more and more younger people suffer from hearing loss.

What is hearing loss?

The treatment of hearing loss depends on the exact cause and can be done either with medication or with the help of surgery. Medicine distinguishes between two types of hearing loss: sudden onset and chronic, which develops gradually. Older people are affected by hearing loss much more frequently than younger people – this is then also referred to as old-age hearing loss. In the meantime, every 15th person in Germany is hearing impaired. A distinction is made between three types of hearing loss: mild hearing loss, which is associated with a hearing loss of about 20 to 40 decibels. Affected persons no longer perceive small background noises such as the ticking of a clock. In the case of moderate hearing loss, on the other hand, ambient sounds such as birdsong are no longer recognized. In this case, the hearing loss is already between 41 and 60 decibels. In severe hearing loss, which is associated with a hearing loss of between 61 and 80 decibels, the affected person can hardly follow conversations. All hearing losses above these levels are already referred to as deafness.


Hearing loss mainly affects people who work in a noisy environment. One speaks of loud if this is more than 80 decibels. Acute hearing loss, which in most cases disappears by itself, can also be caused by improper cleaning of the ears. As a general rule, the cotton swab should not be inserted too deeply into the ear – particular care should be taken with small children and babies. If the ears are cleaned too infrequently, the accumulated earwax can also lead to hearing impairment. Some forms of hearing loss are even congenital or inherited from parents. If a pregnant woman contracts an infectious disease such as toxoplasmosis or rubella, the newborn can, in the worst case, be born with hearing loss. Other diseases can also trigger the symptom of hearing loss. These include inflammation of the middle ear and injuries to the eardrum as well as inflammation of the auditory canal. In the context of tuberculosis, mumps or measles, sudden hearing loss can also be a concomitant symptom.

Diseases with this symptom

  • Hearing loss
  • Concussion
  • Acoustic neuroma
  • Tympanic effusion
  • Bang trauma
  • Otosclerosis
  • Cerebral hemorrhage
  • Auditory canal exostosis
  • Ménière’s disease
  • Age-related hearing loss
  • Encephalitis
  • Tympanic membrane injuries


The course of hearing loss depends mainly on its causation and whether it is a conductive or sensorineural hearing loss. The latter form, sensorineural hearing loss, is usually not treatable in terms of improving hearing performance and processing of sound signals that have been correctly reported by the auditory nerve to the brain areas that process them. The possible complications of untreated hearing loss are mainly the development of physical (somatic) complaints and the beginning of social isolation due to the difficulty of direct communication. The possible physical complaints, such as headaches, muscle pain, and high blood pressure, as well as increased stress symptoms, result from the constant increased tension and concentration to compensate for the hearing loss during direct conversation with other people. In the psychological and social spheres, significant complications can develop as a result of untreated hearing loss. Self-esteem suffers, and those affected often experience rejection because many people do not know how to communicate and interact with people who are hard of hearing. The above complications can also develop with treated hearing loss.In addition to the technical-physical improvement of hearing, a large part of the therapy should also address the possible complications in the psychological and social spheres. The dangers in the psychological and social spheres can be countered by targeted mental training with practical exercises.

When should you see a doctor?

As a rule, hearing loss does not represent a special or dangerous medical complication and does not necessarily need to be treated by a doctor. However, hearing loss leads to severe limitations in the patient’s life and should therefore be remedied if possible. A visit to the doctor is therefore always advisable, as hearing loss usually only increases when the patient amplifies certain sounds, as he or she can no longer hear them properly. This further damages the eardrum. A doctor should be consulted especially if the hearing loss occurs suddenly or at a young age. This may be due to another underlying condition that may not have been diagnosed yet. A doctor or the hospital should also be consulted if hearing loss occurs after an accident or after a blow to the head or ears. In patients of older age, hearing loss is a common symptom. As a rule, no direct treatment is possible in this case. This group of people can also contact a hearing aid manufacturer directly to obtain a suitable hearing aid. In the case of hearing loss, the ENT doctor should always be consulted directly.

Treatment and therapy

To find out the cause of hearing loss, the doctor will perform various hearing tests. Otoscopy can also help detect physical changes in the ear. If earwax is the cause of hearing problems, it can be easily suctioned out by an ENT doctor or removed with the help of forceps. For mild blockages, this can also be done with the help of an irrigation. The treatment of hearing loss depends on the exact cause and can be done either with medication or with the help of surgery. If, for example, a sudden hearing loss is caused by a hearing loss, infusions with medications that stimulate the blood flow and also have a decongestant effect can help. It is not uncommon for sudden hearing loss to be caused by infections triggered by viruses or bacteria. These can be quickly combated with antibiotics. In many cases, however, the only remedy is a hearing aid, which is individually fitted for each patient. Even in the case of complete deafness, there is still help: the so-called cochlear implant can help affected individuals to hear again.

Outlook and prognosis

In most cases, hearing loss cannot be treated by a doctor or by self-help methods. If the eardrum or other parts of the ear are damaged, they often cannot be repaired, so the hearing loss remains. As a rule, hearing loss leads to a greatly reduced quality of life. It is relatively difficult for the affected person to cope with everyday life on his or her own. Patients are often dependent on help from other people. In most cases, hearing loss occurs at an older age and is a common symptom. However, it can also be caused by accidents or by excessive strain on the ears at a young age. In this case, hearing loss sometimes leads to depression and other psychological problems. Hearing loss can be counteracted relatively well with the help of hearing aids. These amplify signals, enabling the patient to hear better again. Who suffers from hearing loss, should in no case live without a hearing aid.


A hearing test or audiometry is used to diagnose diseases of the hearing organs. Typical fields of application are an incipient hearing loss or age-related hearing loss (presbycusis). To prevent hearing loss, one should not necessarily expose oneself to a noisy environment. In some occupations, however, this cannot be avoided. Workers exposed to noise levels above 80 decibels must therefore wear hearing protection in accordance with occupational safety regulations. In discotheques or at concerts, the volume also often reaches alarming limits. Furthermore, all injuries and disturbances to the ear and eardrum should be avoided. In winter, one should not stand in the cold drafts without warm head and ear coverings.

You can do it yourself

Unfortunately, there are no self-help methods for hearing loss. Damage to the ear is usually irreversible and cannot be reversed even by a doctor. In many cases, the patient must spend his entire life with hearing loss. However, the cause of the symptom must first be determined. In some cases earwax can lead to hearing problems, but this cannot be removed by the patient himself with a cotton swab, this is the task of an ENT specialist. In general, it is important to avoid listening to all sounds very loudly due to hearing loss. This is especially true for people who listen to music, watch TV or talk on the phone. Here, the loud noises only damage the ear even more, thus increasing the hearing loss. It is advisable to always wear a hearing aid when sounds need to be perceived. In many cases, a hearing aid can be connected directly to another device so that interfering sounds are masked and not amplified. If psychological problems arise due to hearing loss, it is always helpful to talk to friends, your partner or acquaintances. It is also advisable to talk or otherwise communicate with other hearing impaired people. If the hearing loss is very severe, it is worthwhile to learn sign language. This makes communication easier for the affected person. For this, there are books or videos and instructions on the Internet.