Medical history (history of illness) represents an important component in the diagnosis of hepatitis C.
Family history
- What is the general health of your family members?
Social history
- What is your profession?
- In the last six months, have you traveled to countries with high prevalence of hepatitis (clustered) and had sexual contact with local people there?
Current medical history/systemic history (somatic and psychological complaints).
- Have you noticed symptoms such as fatigue or general feeling of illness?
- Do you have a feeling of pressure in the upper abdomen?
- Do you suffer from nausea?
- Do you suffer from joint pain?
- Do you have a fever? If so, for how long and how high is the fever?
- Have you noticed any yellowing of the skin/eyes?
- In what temporal order did the symptoms occur?
Vegetative anamnesis including nutritional anamnesis.
- Have you had close contact with persons suffering from hepatitis?
- Do you have frequent unprotected sexual intercourse with changing partners (gay and/or straight)?
- Have you had
- Has your appetite changed?
- Have you noticed any changes in bowel movements and/or urine (frequency, quantity, color)?
- Do you smoke? If so, how many cigarettes, cigars, or pipes per day?
- Do you drink alcohol? If yes, what drink(s) and how many glasses per day?
- Do you use drugs? If yes, what drugs and how often per day or per week?
Self history incl. medication history.
- Pre-existing conditions (infectious diseases)
- Operations
- Vaccination status
- Allergies
Medication history
- Blood products
- Dialysis