Side effect of the diet | The Glyx Diet

Side effect of the diet

The side effects of the diet can be many and varied. If a particularly rapid weight loss occurs, the person will mainly suffer from a feeling of cold. This can be purely a feeling, but also the development of cold hands or cold feet.

In extreme cases, the altered metabolism even manifests itself in a tremor. The background for these symptoms is the reduction of the body’s own fat deposits. Fat normally serves our body as a heat storage and insulating layer.

If this layer disappears, the affected person will freeze faster. Reactively, the body tries to maintain its temperature through blood circulation. If the layer of fat is reduced too quickly, the body tries above all to keep the trunk of the body with its vital organs warm through the blood circulation.

So if the body has not yet become accustomed to the new basal metabolic rate as part of the diet, it reduces the blood circulation in the regions furthest away from the body as a protective mechanism. The effect is cold hands and feet. Another symptom can be the notice of a performance weakness with fatigue.

Diet participants notice that they are less able to concentrate at work or school and have to take breaks more quickly when exercising. In this case the symptoms are explained by the limited carbohydrate intake. Normally, our body draws its energy from readily available carbohydrates from food.

If the usual intake is not made, there are no quick energy suppliers available. The breakdown processes in the body must first be initialized and take longer to release the required nutrients. This is reflected in an often subjectively perceived weakness.

If the diet is too radical, it can even lead to deficiency symptoms. In the worst case, these can then lead to circulatory disorders. A diet should therefore only be followed to the extent that one feels well. Sports activities should not be affected by this.