Hepatitis C: Therapy

General measures

  • Partner management, i.e., infected partners, if any, must be located and treated (contacts must be traced back to the estimated time of infection).
  • Observance of the general hygiene measures!
    • Genital hygiene
      • Once a day, the genital area should be washed with a pH-neutral care product. Washing several times a day with soap, intimate lotion or disinfectant destroys the natural acid mantle of the skin. Pure water dries out the skin, frequent washing irritates the skin.
      • It is recommended to use disposable washcloths.
      • Showering is better than bathing (softening the skin).
      • Tighten underwear only when the skin is absolutely dry.
      • Underwear should be changed daily and be breathable (cotton materials).
      • Synthetic materials impermeable to air create an ideal breeding ground for pathogens.
    • Preventing exposure (from Latin: expositio; literally, exposure or transfer) by avoiding blood-to-blood contact with infected individuals:
      • For intravenous drug use, each user must use only his own syringe and needle.
      • Watch for possible blood contact and avoid sharing nail scissors, razors and toothbrushes with non-infected people.
      • Use a condom during genital and anal intercourse.
  • Alcohol abstinence (complete abstinence from alcohol).
  • Nicotine restriction (refrain from tobacco use).
  • Preservation of normal weight strive!Determination of BMI (body mass index, body mass index) or body composition by means of electrical impedance analysis and, if necessary, participation in a medically supervised program for underweight.
  • Avoidance of drug use


The following vaccinations are advised, as infection can often lead to worsening of the present disease:

  • Flu vaccination
  • Pneumococcal vaccination

Regular checkups

  • Regular medical checkups

Nutritional medicine

  • Nutritional counseling based on nutritional analysis
  • Observance of the following specific nutritional recommendations:
    • In the case of hepatitis C disease, a light whole food diet is recommended, which ensures an adequate supply of energy as well as main nutrients and micronutrients (vital substances). As part of this diet, the following foods and preparation methods should be avoided, as experience has shown that they often cause discomfort:
      • Voluminous and fatty meals
      • Legumes and vegetables such as white cabbage, kale, peppers, sauerkraut, leeks, onions, savoy cabbage, mushrooms.
      • Raw stone and pome fruit
      • Fresh bread, wholemeal bread
      • Hard boiled eggs
      • Carbonated drinks
      • Fried, breaded, smoked, very spicy or very sweet foods.
      • Too cold or too hot food
    • Diet rich in:
      • Vitamins (vitamin B12)
  • Selection of appropriate food based on the nutritional analysis
  • See also under “Therapy with micronutrients (vital substances)” – if necessary, taking a suitable dietary supplement.
  • Detailed information on nutritional medicine you will receive from us.
