Home remedies | Periostitis at the elbow

Home remedies

In case of periostitis in the elbow, various home remedies can also alleviate the symptoms and speed up the healing process. In case of an acute inflammation in the elbow, the arm should be cooled, preferably with cold compresses (e.g. quark compresses) or in the form of cooling gels. The cold reduces the swelling and the pain is gently relieved.

In the later phase of the disease, when the acute inflammation has subsided, heat treatment is recommended. It is best to apply the heat directly to the affected area with a hot-water bottle or a warm cherry pit cushion. The heat improves blood circulation and loosens tense muscles.

In some cases, the doctor decides to administer a cortisone injection directly into the affected elbow in the event of periostitis. Cortisone is a strong anti-inflammatory drug that can be used in a variety of ways. It acts on the immune cells in the body and thus reduces the active inflammation of the periosteum.

As a result, the pain in the elbow also subsides. As a rule, cortisone injections use preparations that act mainly locally and do not enter the bloodstream, or only in very small quantities. Therefore, the application is relatively safe and has few side effects.

When does surgery have to be performed?

In severe cases, when conservative treatment of periostitis at the elbow is not successful, the arm must be operated. Especially in cases of recurrent or chronic inflammation lasting longer than six months, a surgical procedure can be useful. Before an operation, an x-ray and an MRI of the elbow are made to see if a surgical intervention is indicated.


Inflammation of the periosteum at the elbow can also be treated conservatively with kinesio-taping.This is a form of therapy in which special elastic adhesive tapes are stuck to the skin. The special type of adhesive tape and the adhesive technique stimulate the muscles at the elbow and at the same time restrict mobility in order to protect the inflamed periosteum. Tapen promotes the blood circulation in the arm, which helps the inflammation to heal better and relieves the pain.