Home remedy against gastrointestinal

“Gastrointestinal” is a colloquial term for an infection or mild inflammation of the digestive tract. It is most often caused by viruses and is usually harmless as it disappears by itself within a few days. It is therefore a self-limiting disease.

The most common symptoms include nausea and vomiting, diarrhoea, flatulence and cramps. Pain in the area of the stomach is also common. If there is no improvement of the symptoms after a few days, a medical examination is recommended. In order to achieve rapid relief of the symptoms, various home remedies can be used.

These household remedies are used

The following household remedies can be used against gastrointestinal problems:

  • Pectins
  • Healing earth
  • White clay
  • Activated carbon
  • Grated apple
  • Banana Porridge
  • Probiotics
  • Soup broth
  • Uzara root

application: Pectins are certain components of plants. They are mainly found in apples, bananas, lemons, limes, carrots and apricots. Effect: The pectins are so-called adsorbents.

These are substances which bind to germs and harmful substances in the intestinal tract and are excreted together with them. What must be taken into account? In order to release the pectins in the apple, it should be grated fresh.

For which diseases does the household remedy also help? Pectins can also be used for slimming if caution is exercised. Application: Healing earth can be purchased in the drugstore or pharmacy.

For the application two teaspoons are stirred into a glass of water and drunk. Effect: The healing earth also acts as an adsorbent and thus ensures the elimination of harmful substances from the intestines. Additionally, important minerals are added to the body.

What do you have to consider? The healing clay should always be used according to the package insert. For which diseases does the household remedy also help?

Healing clay can also be used for heartburn. Application: White clay, also known as bolus alba, can be purchased as a ready-to-use preparation in the pharmacy. It is also mixed with water and drunk for use.

Effect: The household remedy white clay acts as an adsorbent in the gastrointestinal tract and binds pathogens, such as viruses and bacteria, as well as other harmful substances produced by the pathogens. What do you have to consider? The use of white clay can lead to medication not being absorbed properly.

For which diseases does the household remedy also help? White clay can also be used for irritable bowel syndrome or heartburn. Application: Activated carbon can be purchased in the pharmacy.

It is best to use it according to the instructions of the pharmacist. The activated carbon can be used in the form of tablets or powder. Effect: The effect of activated carbon consists in binding substances in the digestive tract.

These are then excreted, which can reduce the number of pathogens in the gastrointestinal tract. What must be taken into account? Since activated carbon can affect the absorption of other drugs, a pharmacist should be consulted beforehand.

For which diseases does the household remedy also help? Activated carbon can also be used for detoxification. Application: For use, the apple should be rubbed with skin and left to rest for about a quarter of an hour.

Then the grated mass can be eaten. Up to three apples a day are recommended. Effect: The skin of the apples contains a lot of pectins.

They have a binding effect in the digestive tract and ensure the elimination of harmful substances and water. What do you have to consider? The apple should not be peeled before grating, because the active ingredients are mainly contained in the skin.

For which diseases does the household remedy also help? Grated apples can also be used for stomach aches. Application: For a good banana porridge, it is best to use bananas that are not quite fresh, but already a little ripe.

They are crushed with a fork in a bowl. Effect: Bananas contain many pectins which act as so-called adsorbents. They ensure the absorption of pathogens and harmful substances in the intestines and their excretion.

What must be taken into account? Depending on taste, the banana can alternatively be pureed. For which diseases does the household remedy also help?

Banana puree can also help with stomach ulcers and high blood pressure. Application: Probiotics can be purchased in the drugstore or pharmacy. Since there are many different types of products, the application should be done according to the package insert.Effect: Probiotics are various microorganisms that build up the immune system of the gastrointestinal tract.

They supplement and strengthen the damaged intestinal flora of the body. What do you have to consider? In case of other diseases, the use of probiotics should be discussed with a specialist beforehand.

For which diseases does the household remedy also help? Probiotics can also help with intestinal mycosis. Application: A soup broth can be made either with finished powder or even better – it is freshly cooked.

For this, soup vegetables are cut and boiled up with hot water. Effect: Soup broth works in two ways: on the one hand, the heat calms down and relaxes the gastrointestinal muscles, on the other hand, it adds important electrolytes to the body. What do you need to know?

For a better taste, the soup should be steeped for some time before consumption. For which diseases does the household remedy also help? Soup stock can also help with colds and flu.

Usage: Uzara root can be used in various forms. There is juice as well as capsules or tablets, which can be purchased in pharmacies. Effect: Uzara root contains so-called glycosides, which have a relaxing effect on the muscles of the digestive tract.

Thereby cramps can be solved. What do you have to consider? The use of Uzara root is not recommended for children or pregnant women.

For which diseases does the home remedy also help? Uzara root can also be used for menstrual problems. How often and how long the home remedies should be used depends on the underlying infection or cause of the symptoms.

A common gastro-enteritis is a self-limiting disease. This means that the symptoms will disappear of their own accord after a few days. The household remedies can be adapted accordingly. Caution should be exercised when using activated carbon; if necessary, a doctor or pharmacist should be consulted.