Homeopathy for hives caused by food

Homeopathic medicines

The following homeopathic remedies are suitable for hives:

  • Antimonium crudum (Black spiky luster)
  • Arsenicum album (White Arsenic)

Antimonium crudum (Black spiky luster)

Typical dosage of Antimonium crudum (black spit shine) for hives: Tablets D6

  • Skin rash in the course of a gastrointestinal disorder, often caused by spoiled meat
  • Nausea, vomiting (does not relieve! )
  • Tongue thick and white coated
  • Skin does not tolerate extreme temperatures
  • Skin rash after cold water but also after too much sun
  • Characteristic is a grumpy and morose mood

Arsenicum album (White Arsenic)

Prescription only up to and including D3! Typical dosage of Arsenicum album (White Arsenic) for hives: Tablets D6

  • Severe, burning pain with nocturnal restlessness
  • Tendency to scratch which makes itching and burning even worse
  • Symptoms such as itching usually improve with hot applications, less often they become better with cold compresses
  • Triggers for this are no longer perfect food, especially meat