Floxal eye ointment


The Floxal eye ointment is an antibiotic-containing medication to combat inflammation and infection of the eye. The ointment contains the active ingredient Ofloxacin. Like all antibiotics, it can only be used against diseases caused by bacteria. Floxal eye ointment is used against infections of the anterior segment of the eye, especially cornea (cornea) and conjunctiva (conjunctiva). This medication can also be used to treat inflammation of the ocular appendages, such as the sebaceous glands of the eye (meibomian glands).

Indication of Floxal eye ointment

Floxal eye ointment is used specifically when there is an infection of the eye with bacteria against which this medication is effective. It should first be clarified that the inflammation of the eye is caused by bacteria and not, for example, by viruses. This can be done on the basis of the symptoms or by an eye swab.

A typical symptom of a bacterial eye infection is the secretion of yellowish pus. In addition, itching, redness, swelling and pain of the eye can also occur. Poor vision or a clouding of the visual field is also possible.

Bacteria that frequently cause eye inflammation are staphylococci (especially Staphylococcus aureus) and chlamydia (Chlamydia trichomatis). Both pathogens are usually sensitive to the substance of the Floxal eye ointment (Ofloxacin). They can therefore be combated well with this medication.

  • Floxal
  • Inflammation of the cornea

In conjunctivitis, the conjunctiva, which shields the eyeball from the outside world, is infected with pathogens. This, and the counter-reaction of the immune system, leads to the typical symptoms: the eye is reddened and itches, it weeps and secretes a watery to purulent secretion. In addition, it comes to the feeling of having a foreign body in the eye.

Conjunctivitis can be chronic or acute and have several triggers. The most common are viruses. But bacteria can also cause this disease, especially in children.

If the pathogen is a bacterium against which Floxal eye ointment is effective, this ointment can be used for therapy. However, it is not effective against viruses. The barleycorn (hordeolum) is inflammation of the eyelid margin and its glands.

A small encapsulated accumulation of pus (abscess) is often formed. Symptoms include pain, swelling and redness. In the case of barley grain, the glands on the inner edge of the eyelid (Maibom glands/stalum glands) or on the outer edge (minor glands/sweat glands, Zeiss glands/stalum glands) can be affected.

Under no circumstances should the hordeoulum itself be expressed. The disease is usually caused by bacteria, against which Floxal eye ointment is effective. This is especially true for staphylococci (e.g. Staphylococcus aureus).

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  • Eye ointment against a barleycorn