Homeopathy for mixed dentition | Teeth replacement in children

Homeopathy for mixed dentition

Homeopathy is considered a gentle remedy for many complaints. However, naturopathy cannot be of any use for problems with the change of teeth, since many malformations are genetically caused and cannot be influenced by homeopathic remedies. These primarily include disorders of bone growth or tooth eruption in the case of non-injuries.

Crooked and crooked teeth can only be brought back into position by mechanical corrections by the orthodontist. The orthodontist carries out his therapies by shifting the teeth with functional orthodontic devices, commonly known as braces. These act as mechanical correction aids by means of pressure and traction elements and position the teeth in the correct position.

Especially when the orthodontist has activated the braces (i.e. has put renewed pressure or pull on the teeth), pain may occur during the first few days. There is no scientific evidence that homeopathic remedies help during this orthodontic treatment, except in terms of possible pain. In summary, there is no benefit of homeopathy in tooth development, but there are no known disadvantages that would be against its use.


The mixed dentition represents the transition from milk teeth to permanent teeth. This is a change of teeth in children that lasts for several years. Individual deviations from the norm are possible and harmless.

If the milk teeth fail in accordance with the rules, the permanent teeth are replaced without complications. Irregularities of the permanent teeth can be corrected by orthodontics.