Homeopathy for nerve pain

Nerve pain after surgery

Bellis perennisGänseblümchen For pain that feels “squeezed”. A feeling of being crushed in the adjacent muscles often accompanies this. Through light movement and massage, the pain improves, but cold makes it worse.

StaphisagriaStephanskraut For pain after surgically placed wounds. These patients are usually irritable and moody. They are also shy and easily offended.

In the morning after waking up you are tired and feel miserable. Most of the time you are also pale and hollow-eyed. Typical for staphisagria is also increased sexual irritability, especially in women.

The symptoms are aggravated by anger and grief. They are more pronounced in the morning hours after getting up. Araneus ixobolusBlack Night Spider In patients with great restlessness, hasty behavior and internal shakiness.

In addition, there is a reduction in concentration and poor sleep. Neck stiffness and pain in the lumbar spine area also occur. In addition, muscle twitching and cramps in the arms and legs occur.

A feeling of cold all over the body is also present. All complaints are aggravated by rest, cold, alcohol consumption and getting up in the morning. Improvement is achieved through movement such as bending backwards, stretching and stretching.

Arsenicum albumWhite Arsenic Patients are characterized by general weakness, emaciation and frailty. Their skin is also very pale and blue in color. In addition, there is great restlessness and fear, even mortal fear.

Cold sweat and dry mucous membranes are also present. The nerve pain has a burning character. All complaints worsen around midnight and at rest.

An improvement is achieved by warmth. Prescription only up to and including D3! ColocynthisKoloquinte Severe, shooting nerve pain, which preferably occurs on the head.

However, they also occur in the area of the hip joint (sciatic nerve). The patient also describes a pain as if parts of the body had been clamped in a vice. The pain improves with rest and warmth.

An aggravation of all complaints is caused by movement, anger and fright. Prescription only up to and including D3! Magnesium phosphoricum patients suffer from shooting nerve pain, which is often accompanied by muscle cramps. Typical for Magnesium phosphoricum is the fact that the pain is improved by counter pressure. The pain comes and goes and can be alleviated by heat.