Homeopathy for pain in the upper abdomen

Pain in the upper abdomen is widespread. They are often burning or stinging, but can also occasionally be felt as dull. The upper abdomen contains various organs that can cause the pain if the patient is ill.

The most common is stomach pain, which often occurs in connection with eating. However, diseases of the esophagus, pancreas, liver, gall bladder or small intestine can also cause pain in the upper abdomen. In most cases, however, the cause is harmless and can initially be treated with a homeopathic treatment attempt.

These homeopathics are used

For pain in the upper abdomen, the following homeopathics can be used:

  • Nux vomica
  • Colocynthis
  • Belladonna
  • Ignatia
  • Chelidonium

When to use: Nux vomica is a versatile homeopathic remedy that is used to treat headaches and colds as well as digestive problems with nausea and vomiting. You can find more information in the articles: Effect: The homeopathic remedy has a calming effect on irritations of the stomach mucosa. It promotes the removal of toxins from the digestive tract, which is why it also helps with pain caused by coffee or alcohol.

Dosage: Potency D12 is recommended for acute pain with twice daily intake of two globules.

  • Homeopathy for nausea
  • Homeopathy for vomiting
  • Homeopathy for a cold

When is it used: The homeopathic drug Colocynthis is used for colic through the gallbladder or kidneys, as well as for diarrhea. It can also be helpful in cases of complaints caused by the sciatic nerve.

You can find more detailed information in the article: Homeopathy for diarrhea Effect: Colocynthis has an antispasmodic effect in cases of muscle tension in the gall bladder and bile ducts. Colocynthis also has a calming effect on the muscles in the intestinal walls. Dosage: For the dosage in acute pain the potencies D6 or D12 with an intake of three globules several times a day are recommended.

When to use: Belladonna is used in many different areas. These include cramps in the gastrointestinal tract, as well as colds, infections and back pain. You can find more detailed information in the articles: Effect: Belladonna contains among other things various alkaloids.

These have a soothing effect on tense muscles of the digestive system and the production of stomach acid and saliva. Dosage: For independent use it is recommended to take three globules three times a day in potencies D6 or D12.

  • Homeopathy for stomach cramps
  • Homeopathy for a cold
  • Homeopathy for back pain

When is it used: The homeopathic remedy Ignatia is used for stomach upset, sore throat and sleep disorders, as well as chesty cough and asthma.

You can find more detailed information in the articles: Effect: The effect of Ignatia is mainly based on the relaxation of the muscles. Cramps are released, whereby the digestion can run off more regulated and stomach complaints are relieved. Dosage: For acute complaints Ignatia in potencies D12 or D30 with three globules can be taken up to six times a day.

  • Homeopathy for stomach cramps
  • Homeopathy for sore throats
  • Homeopathy for chesty cough
  • Homeopathy for sleep disorders

When to use: Chelidonium is used mainly for problems with bile flow, as well as gallstones and inflammation of the liver. It can also be helpful for inflammation of the stomach, headaches and rheumatism. You can find more information in the articles: Effect: The effect of Chelidonium is based on the restoration of the environment in the system of bile production and bile flow.

The circulation of the bile is also promoted by the transport. Dosage: Chelidonium can be taken in the potencies D6 or D12 three times a day in the form of three globules.

  • Homeopathy for rheumatism
  • Homeopathy for headaches
  • Homeopathy for inflammation of the gastric mucosa