How can I strengthen the immune system after a vaccination? | How can I strengthen the immune system in my child?

How can I strengthen the immune system after a vaccination?

After a vaccination, the immune system is challenged to produce antibodies against this particular disease. Therefore it is important to take care of your body in the first days after the vaccination and not to strain it further. This means not to do any demanding sports or other stressful activities. In addition, the body should be kept warm, as the immune system can work optimally at higher body temperature. Furthermore, the above mentioned household remedies can be used to strengthen the immune system.

How can I improve my child’s immune system after a cold?

After a cold, the immune system does not necessarily need to be strengthened. It has successfully fought bacteria in the mucous membrane in the last days or weeks, otherwise the cold would not be gone. The immune system is therefore currently in a very active phase and another cold is unlikely. However, supportive measures (see home remedies, homeopathy, sports, …) can be taken to maintain the good function of the immune system and thus to stay healthy in the long run.