Which vitamins can help? | How can I strengthen the immune system in my child?

Which vitamins can help?

In principle, all vitamins are important to achieve optimal physical function. However, a few are particularly necessary for the immune system. These are above all vitamin C, A, D and E. Vitamin C and E can eliminate and render harmless so-called radicals, thus supporting the immune system.

Vitamin C is also responsible for the formation of defence cells (white blood cells). Vitamin A and D can functionally support the immune system. There are studies that show that vitamin C partially suppresses the immune system, which weakens it, but relieves the symptoms (e.g. colds). This can be particularly useful in the first days of a cold.

Can sport help my child or will it make him or her sick more often?

Sport plays an important role in strengthening the immune system and general health. Studies have shown that endurance sports such as jogging, swimming or cycling strengthen the immune system. How exactly this works has not yet been conclusively clarified.

It is likely that this will lead to an increased activation of the immune system. Athletes therefore fall ill less often and, if they do fall ill, recover more quickly. Thus, sport can ensure that a child falls ill less often and strengthens its immune system.

It is important, however, that this refers to sport during a healthy condition. If symptoms are already present or if an illness has only occurred very shortly before, sport and especially endurance sports are strongly discouraged. The reason for this is the danger of the pathogens being carried into the heart by the increased blood circulation. In addition, the body is put under a lot of strain, which can worsen the state of health or prolong recovery.

How can I strengthen the immune system after my child has taken antibiotics?

According to the latest results of investigations and studies, the microbiome (the totality of all bacteria colonizing the human body) plays an enormously important role in the defence function and for the human immune system. Several trillion bacteria have created a living space within the human colon (intestinal flora) and contribute significantly to digestion.In the course of an antibiotic therapy a large part of these bacteria is killed. This reduces the competition between bacteria within the intestine, which in turn allows new bacteria to settle.

Therefore the most frequent side effect of antibiotics is diarrhea. The numerous killing of the microbiome also weakens the body’s immune system. This is usually not noticed even during therapy, as the antibiotic also kills harmful bacteria.

However, such medication is often followed by an increased susceptibility to infections and a prolonged duration of the disease. The best way to rebuild its intestinal flora and thus the immune system as quickly as possible is to follow an appropriately adapted diet. Dairy products or certain restorative preparations are best suited for this purpose as they have a positive effect on the growth of bacteria in the intestine. In addition, the diet should be as varied as possible in order to allow for a large variety of bacterial species.