How does the therapy differ? | Abscess or boil

How does the therapy differ?

The therapy differs in that a boil can be treated conservatively (non-surgically). This option does not exist for abscesses. An abscess that lies in the skin must always be split and rinsed or removed.

In the case of a boil, antibiotics, antiseptics, pulling ointment or synthetic tanning agents are applied to the boil and only in the case of severe infections is systemic antibiotic therapy in tablet form applied. However, in the case of large boils that fuse together, a splitting of the furuncle should be considered as a possible therapeutic measure. A superficial abscess is – if necessary – preferably treated with an intravenous antibiotic.

This will be changed to oral antibiotic therapy in the course of the treatment. In the case of a deeper abscess an intravenous antibiotic therapy is always carried out. In addition, in the case of deeper abscesses at least one puncture of the abscess is always performed.

This puncture is either ultrasound or CT-guided. In addition, a drainage is often inserted so that the pus can drain away. If a puncture is not possible, open surgery with removal of the abscess may be necessary.

In summary, the therapy of a furuncle differs from that of an abscess in that the therapy of the abscess is significantly more invasive, since an abscess should always be treated surgically in contrast to a boil. In the case of a deeper abscess, an intravenous antibiotic therapy is always carried out. Furthermore, in the case of deeper abscesses, at least one puncture of the abscess is always performed.

This puncture is either ultrasound or CT-guided. In addition, a drainage is often inserted so that the pus can drain away. If a puncture is not possible, open surgery with removal of the abscess may be necessary. In summary, the therapy of a furuncle differs from that of an abscess in that the therapy of the abscess is significantly more invasive, since an abscess should always be treated surgically in contrast to a boil.