

Imidacloprid is commercially available as a solution for application (spot-on preparation) for dogs and cats (Bayvantage). Combination preparations with permethrin (Advantix) and moxidectin are also available (Advocate).

Structure and properties

Imidacloprid (C9H10ClN5O2, Mr = 255.7 g/mol is a chlorinated pyridine and imidazoline derivative derived from nicotine. Structurally, it is related to nitenpyram, which is administered orally.


Imidacloprid (ATCvet QP53AX17) has insecticidal properties. Effects are due to binding to postsynaptic acetylcholine receptors and persist for 4 weeks. Imidacloprid distributes throughout the coat after application and exerts its effects externally. Absorption through the skin is low.


For prevention and treatment of flea infestation in dogs and cats. In combination with permethrin or moxidectin against numerous other parasites.


According to the package insert. The solution is applied to the skin on the back of the animals between the shoulder blades. For cats, once monthly application is sufficient.


Imidacloprid should not be applied to animals that are too young. Refer to the drug label for complete precautions.


There are no known interactions with other drugs.

Adverse effects

Possible adverse effects include local reactions at the site of application. If the animal licks the drug, increased salivation may occur.