Inflammation of a hole in the ear

General information

An inflammation in the ear hole is a frequent and unpleasant side effect of ear piercing, which is a prerequisite for wearing earrings. When piercing an ear hole, a hole is pierced through the soft earlobe and a wound is inflicted. A first plug is then inserted into this ear hole, which remains there until the wound has healed.

During this time, skin forms over the wound surface, so that the final ear hole is only created after the wound has completely healed and can be used for wearing jewelry. The most common cause of an inflammation in the ear hole is a bacterial infection of the wound. These bacteria can enter the wound when the ear hole is pierced, or afterwards through inadequate hygiene, which can cause an inflammatory reaction.

Another reason for an inflammation is the too early exchange of the inserted first plugs for fashion jewelry. After piercing an ear hole, it usually takes four to six weeks for the wound to heal completely. Until then, the first plugs should be used.

If they are changed prematurely, the healing wound can be torn open again, which again creates an entry port for bacteria, which in turn can cause an inflammation. Very often incompatibility reactions, i.e. allergies to materials of the jewelry used, also lead to inflammation. These can also occur months to years after the ear hole has been pierced. With this contact allergy, the body’s own immune system reacts excessively to the allergen, which is very often the case with nickel. Due to the increased immune reaction, messenger substances (mediators) are released to the surrounding cells, which lead to the inflammatory reaction.


Typical symptoms of an inflammation of the ear hole are pain, redness in the affected skin area and a sensitive surrounding tissue. The earlobe is often very warm and also swollen. The swelling can be caused by an accumulation of pus in the ear hole.

The pus then appears as a crust around the earring or as a yellowish to greenish secretion that runs out of the ear hole. Sometimes, due to the inflammation, there is even a swelling of the lymph nodes in the area of the lower jaw, the jaw angle, the neck and the neck. If the inflammation is no longer restricted to the ear hole, the body can react with fever.

As a serious but also rare complication of the inflammation in the ear hole, it can happen that the inflammation does not heal completely and scars may appear. If the inflammation spreads to the cartilage of the auricle, it is even possible that the cartilage becomes deformed, as the blood supply to the cartilage is poor, making it difficult for the inflammation to heal without consequences. Sometimes, the inflammation can even cause swelling of the lymph nodes in the lower jaw, jaw angle, neck and nape of the neck.

If the inflammation is no longer restricted to the ear hole, the body can react with fever. As a serious but also rare complication of the inflammation in the ear hole, it can happen that the inflammation does not heal completely and scars may appear. If the inflammation spreads to the cartilage of the auricle, it is even possible that the cartilage becomes deformed, as the blood supply to the cartilage is poor, making it difficult for the inflammation to heal without consequences.