Influenza or Flu-Like Infection: Symptoms

Even though colloquially often no distinction is made between flu and flu-like infection (cold), the distinction is still important. Because the two viral diseases differ in the severity of symptoms. How to recognize the signs and interpret them correctly, read here.

Influenza: symptoms of a common cold

You can recognize a flu-like infection by these signs:

  • Cough
  • Rhinitis (initially with clear, watery secretion, later with yellowish-green).
  • Hoarseness, sore throat
  • Limb pain and headache
  • Mild fever and chills
  • Dullness

Normally, a cold subsides after a few days. The so-called symptomatic treatment depends on what symptoms are present. Thus, a stuck cough should be treated with an expectorant, a stuffy nose with decongestant nose drops.

The best tips against cold symptoms.

True flu (influenza): symptoms.

In contrast, the symptoms of the real flu (viral flu) are much more severe and are accompanied by a strong general feeling of illness. Influenza is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • A sudden, acute onset of illness
  • Headache, muscle pain and pain in the limbs
  • High fever (up to 41 ° C), chills.
  • Loss of appetite
  • Agonizing, dry cough
  • Feeling of weakness and circulatory problems
  • Nausea and diarrhea are possible

For at-risk groups and patients with a pre-existing condition, such as asthma or multiple sclerosis, pregnant women and seniors, the true viral flu can be particularly dangerous. Against influenza, a preventive annual vaccination is possible.

When should you see a doctor?

Flu or an influenza infection (cold) does not always need to be treated by a doctor. However, you should see a doctor in the following cases:

  • If you have a high fever or chills.
  • If you are very limited in your general condition
  • If the complaints start abruptly
  • When greenish to yellowish sputum
  • If the symptoms do not improve after a few days
  • In case of earache
  • During pregnancy

Which groups of people need to see a doctor?

For some groups of people, a visit to the doctor is generally advisable at the onset of flu or flu-like infection:

  • Infants or young children
  • Debilitated, elderly patients
  • Patients with an existing underlying disease, such as diabetes, heart failure, asthma, etc.

7 Tips to prevent flu and flu-like infections.

  1. Move a lot in the fresh air to harden the body.
  2. Strengthen your immune defenses with a healthy diet rich in vitamins and fiber.
  3. Refrain from alcohol and cigarettes and avoid stressful situations.
  4. Avoid physical contact with people who are ill.
  5. Ensure adequate humidity in the rooms, so that the mucous membranes do not dry out.
  6. At-risk patients should already think about a flu vaccination before the start of the flu season.
  7. At the first signs of a cold, herbal immune stimulants can help activate the defenses.