Where do I make the application? | Level of care 1

Where do I make the application?

The application for the care level is made to the responsible care insurance company. The nursing care insurance fund is always organized with the health insurance company with which the person in need of care has health insurance. This applies to all statutory health insurance companies (AOK, Techniker Krankenkasse, Barmer etc.) as well as to privately insured patients.

Is there a right to short-term care?

In principle, a person in need of long-term care with care level 1 has no right to short-term care. However, the benefits that are received with the discharge amount can be used for short-term care. However, this discharge amount is only 125€ per month for care level 1. If you want to claim short-term care with the discharge amount, you can only receive short-term care for one or two days per month.