Insect Venom Allergy

During a bee or wasp sting, the insect releases its venom into the human skin. Redness, swelling or itching occurs around the site of the sting. Although these skin symptoms are painful, they heal quickly in most cases. However, there are dangerous exceptions. According to the Medical Association of Immunologists, about 3% of adults in Germany are allergic to insect stings – first and foremost those of wasps, followed by bees. Bites from hornets, bumblebees, mosquitoes and horseflies are less likely to cause allergic reactions.

Insect venom allergy can be life-threatening

Among the 2.5 million people affected, a single sting can be life-threatening. In insect venom allergy, the body’s defense system overreacts: after the first sting, a defense mechanism is set in motion in which numerous antibodies are formed specifically against this venom.

If the venom enters the body again during another sting, the immune system runs amok: it swarms the antibodies in masses to eliminate the comparatively harmless venom. The result is a massive defense and inflammatory reaction that begins a few minutes after the sting and can affect the entire body.

Every year, this overreaction ends fatally in about 20 people in Germany. Such cases are particularly frequent in late summer during the fruit harvest – the wasps, which hatch at the end of August/beginning of September, are then looking for food and are therefore particularly aggressive.

Since an insect venom allergy can be life-threatening, the affected person must receive medical attention very quickly after a sting. In order to be able to react promptly himself in the event of renewed insect stings, the doctor will also provide the patient with an emergency first-aid kit.

Reaction to insect bites

The body’s reactions usually begin seconds to minutes after the sting. In non-allergic people, a small reddened swelling (up to 10 cm in diameter) develops around the sting site that is itchy and tense or painful. This swelling usually goes down within an hour and is completely gone by the next day.

Exception: simultaneous stings from many insects (more than 50 in children and 100 in adults) or stings to the head or neck area can be life-threatening even in people who are not sensitized.

Insect venom allergy: symptoms

In allergic patients, it is typical that, on the one hand, the local changes at the site of the sting are particularly pronounced (large wheals, extensive redness) and continue to spread (severe itching, swelling, burning and redness all over the body, swelling of the neck and face), and, on the other hand, general complaints occur – as a sign that the whole organism is affected. These include:

  • Rhinitis, watery eyes
  • Nausea to vomiting
  • States of weakness
  • Shortness of breath
  • Drowsiness, fainting
  • Dizziness, rapid heartbeat
  • Dysphagia, speech disorders
  • Anxiety or confusion

These are serious warning signs that an emergency situation may develop, anaphylactic shock. This is characterized by a life-threatening circulatory collapse with a strongly accelerated pulse and impending unconsciousness. In the worst case, cardiovascular arrest occurs.