
Low blood pressure, hypotension, is not a disease in its own right. The old adage ” hypotonics live long and poorly, hypertensives live short and well” still applies, at least statistically. What is behind low blood pressure and how can it be treated? You can find out here.

What is hypotension?

Hypotension is the technical term for low blood pressure. This is defined by blood pressure readings below 100/60 mmHg. In hypotension, blood does not get to where it is needed quickly enough in the amount needed. Organs and the brain receive too little oxygen and therefore cannot function optimally. Colds, hypothyroidism, changes in the weather, insufficient fluid intake and lack of exercise can also lower blood pressure.

However, the causes of low blood pressure are usually unknown. The doctor should be consulted to clarify the individual cause. However, very many people suffer from the discomfort caused by low blood pressure.

Typical complaints of low blood pressure

Typical symptoms of low blood pressure are:

  • Dizziness to the point of circulatory problems
  • Memory impairment
  • Weakness of drive and easy fatigue
  • Weather sensitivity
  • Insomnia
  • Blackening before the eyes
  • Ringing in the ears and flickering eyes
  • Cold sensation in hands and feet
  • Sweating

Recommendations for the treatment of hypotension

The following tips can help treat low blood pressure:

  1. You can get your circulation going by using water treatments. These include alternating showers in the morning, brush massages or Kneipp applications.
  2. Do gymnastics or sports regularly. Suitable sports include tennis, table tennis, gymnastics, cycling, ball sports and swimming.
  3. Coffee or other caffeinated drinks can increase your blood pressure in the short term.
  4. Get enough sleep and take your time getting up. Lolling and stretching right after waking up slowly gets the circulation going.
  5. If you are severely impaired by the discomfort in your performance, the short-term use of a blood pressure-increasing drug is recommended.
  6. Helpful are also cardiovascular preparations on a plant basis.